Chapter 12

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Nicole stood to one side to allow the woman to take the shot. "I'll do a video too," she said. "Can you tell me about the castle?"

Clearing her throat, Nicole provided a brief history of the house and how it came into her family's possession. "We've been here, well my family have lived here for two hundred years."

"Wow, long time," the woman commented. "And, you live here?"

"Never lived here. I inherited it."

"Wish I'd been given a castle. I'll need to take shots of the grounds later."

"We'd best get on, there's quite a lot inside to see. The buyer, will she view?"

The woman continued filming. "Hopes to, stuck in Sydney at the moment. Big takeover going on."

Nicole led the way, explaining what each room had been used for by previous residents, the woman asking salient questions. Reaching the ballroom the woman let out a gasp. "This is great. Your own dance studio."

"Yep. A few parties were had up here. Holds up to fifty comfortably. Usually serve drinks in the library."

"It's got a library too. That's great."

A brisk walk to the river, Nicole pointing out other features on the estate, the woman departed saying she would relay the visit to her boss and be in contact in a few days. Watching the car pull away Nicole had her phone out. "Where are you?"

"Sitting in Ros's shop," Waverly replied. "Maybole's lovely. How did it go?"

"Still alive. Woman was charming."

"Was she a spy?"

Nicole winced. "Waves, not so loud."

"Oops, sorry. Was she a spy?" she whispered, hearing Nicole laugh. "Well, was she?"

"No, but my instincts tell me she's working for that bitch. Accent gave it away."

Waverly's stomach tightened. "She's found us. Oh Nicole, what do we do?"

"We stay calm. This was a scoping exercise that's all. We're safe, I promise."

"What if she's hiding? What if..."

"Waves, it's okay. I'll come get you."

"Can we go? I don't feel safe staying there another night."

"Sure, I'll check on flights. We could stay in Glasgow if you like."

"Anywhere, just so long as she can't find us. God, I wish she wasn't out there."

"I'll be about half an hour. Stay with Ros."

Ros was in the front part of the shop, tidying a shelf stacked with tins, smiling as Waverly joined her. "Nicole's picking me up."

"It's a shame she's selling," Ros replied. "Will be sad not having her there."

"I could see myself living here."

"Aye, that house is full of happy memories. Nicole was a one, got me into no end of trouble."

"What was she like? As a kid."

"Full of life. Had to be rescued from the big tree near the house. Wanted me to climb with her, but I don't do heights."

"She does have a thing for climbing."

"We would swim in the river without anything on, us and the other kids. And, have picnics in front of the house."

"Sounds idyllic," Waverly replied, wondering what it would be like to swim naked in the river.

"The best part was hide and seek. We lost one boy."

Welcome to my World (WAYHAUGHT)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora