Chapter 37

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M knew they would need to move faster after London, recognising her time at MI6 was running out. If she was forced to resign it would most likely mean Nicole's name never being cleared, conveniently buried under bureaucracy. It would also mean JOSHUA had won, that the Widow would remain at large and the British Prime Minister free to do as she pleased, feathering her own nest for a criminal career post politics, cavorting with those she should have been protecting her country against. The general public would be none the wiser, naively assuming someone in power had their best interests at heart, not their own pockets.

"We have another problem," M said, staring at her computer screen, three faces staring back. "Sydney. OOH you're too hot for this next mission. I need you to stay where you are."

"What do you mean too hot?"

"There's footage. I can easily recognise you. And, if I can others will too."

"What footage?"

"It's all over the news," M replied. "My worry is you'll be linked to the Sydney incident, not as the saviour but as a terrorist, further damaging our reputation."

"Who's protecting Waverly?" Nicole said, suddenly realising if the Widow found out she was still alive she might put several twos together and use her as bait.

"Her bodyguards."

Nicole gripped the edge of the bench. "Thugs got into your house."

"I promise I'll protect her. Stay hidden until we have Margot."

"At least let me help bring Margot in."

"I cannot risk it. If you're caught I may not be able to get you out again."

Nicole stormed out, leaving J and Xavier to be briefed on the next assignment, agreeing it was their best option. An hour later Xavier found Nicole still in her tent. "Knock, knock," he said, poking his head through. "Need company."

"I'm being punished."

"M's right. You need to stay here, let us go do our job."

"And, then what? I sit in a fucking oversized sand pit waiting."

"This oversized sand pit has kept you alive."

Nicole huffed. "What would you do? If you were me."

Xavier winked. "If I thought Jules might be in danger nothing would get in my way."

"I've got to go to her, even if I'm caught, even if you're not there this time."

"Then go."

Nicole glanced up at Xavier. "Even if it's completely crazy, and might actually get me killed."

Xavier nodded. "You know I asked to be assigned to you. Want to know why?"

"Because I'm crazy."

"Yep. Because, no matter what happens you never give up. Seen it too many times in the field. Guy gets so far, thinks the odds are against him and backs off."

"I'm not a guy."

"You're OOH. What would she do in a situation like this?"

"Steal a vehicle, head to the nearest airport, get the hell home."

Xavier dangled a set of keys before her. "Siphoned enough petrol to get you to the airport. Map's on the passenger seat, wallet's underneath."

"I have a tracker."

Xavier laughed. "The sand is doing things to your brain. It's disabled. Can't be dead and beeping your location."

Nicole took the keys, hugging him. "I won't forget this."

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