Chapter 27

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Note: I mention COBRA again in this chapter. It's an acronym for Cabinet Office Briefing Rooms, where British government ministers meet to handle national emergencies. Like The White House Situation Room.

Cleo retrieved the silk robe from the floor, pulling the sash round her waist, tying a neat bow. "It's all in hand. She'll call, give it time."

"The Widow took in Cleo's curvaceous form from the bed. "I detest waiting."

"My darling, this can't be rushed. Trust me, she'll be begging you soon enough."

The Widow placed a hand behind her head. "Don't be too long. I need you to distract me while I wait for my little, red-feathered bird to sing."

Cleo made her way round the bed, kissing the Widow on the cheek. "Be patient. Now, let me go make my calls."

The Widow waited until Cleo left the bedroom, grabbing her phone, flicking through the messages. Her contact confirmed the envelope had been handed to Nicole in Bath, the Widow enjoying her silly little game, keeping the pressure on, making Nicole sweat. Her finger scrolled through her list of recent calls resting on the one she needed. "Well?"

"We have a technical hitch."

"What do you mean, technical hitch?"

"She's no longer working for MI6."

"What? I can't believe you fucked up. One simple task, one simple fucking task."

"Out of my hands unfortunately."

The Widow remained silent, collecting her thoughts. "Okay, okay, this could still work."

Cleo returned to the room, dropping the robe. "Mother sends her regards. Everything is in place for London."

The Widow hung up, smiling as her lover climbed back into bed. "Good, good. A few fireworks to get the party started."

Nicole sat in her kitchen eating from a tub of ice cream. The entire contents consumed, she unpacked her case, put on a wash, cleaned all the kitchen work surfaces, twice. Utterly bored by eleven thirty she wondered whether she should join a gym, or go for another run. Not wanting to disturb Waverly, she decided she would bake a cake in preparation for running their café, only to find she had none of the ingredients, heading to the stores, returning with two full bags.

As she approached her house M was on the doorstep, their eyes meeting. "You fired me."

"You resigned. Can we go inside?"

"I'm busy. Baking a cake."

"I see you are not letting your skills go to waste. I haven't got long."

Nicole let them in, leading the way to her clean kitchen. "Coffee?"

"Something a little stronger. Meeting the Prime Minister."

"A little early."

"Not with the week I'm having."

Nicole returned with a decent whiskey, watching M's hand shake as she accepted the drink. "Guessing this isn't a social call."

"I'm here to explain."

"A little late."

"I had no choice but to accept your resignation after what you did."

"What will you do about the Widow?"

"The threat is credible. Targeting London has been on her agenda for some time. Although, bombs are not her style."

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