Chapter 14

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"I no longer know what to do," Nicole said, staring at her full glass of wine. "Wow, that's hard to say. It's always been straightforward. Carry out the assignment, regardless of what it involved, because M gave the instructions. And now, if my instincts are right, she could be the problem."

"Okay, okay," Waverly replied. "We don't know for certain. I agree it could be M who told the Widow about me. And you're absolutely sure no one else knew?"

"The letter I wrote to you in the event of my death, M had a copy. I left you Cassillis Castle."

"Really. Did you really? That's so sweet. God that would have been awful though, going there without you. I heard about the tree climbing and nude swimming. So want to do that with you."

"I thought you hated climbing."

"There you are," Waverly replied, reaching over to take Nicole's hand. "That's my Nicole. You know perfectly well what I mean. It would have to be in the summer. Too cold any other time of year."

"I have a rogue boss, we're being chased by a crazy terrorist and you're thinking about getting your clothes off in Scotland."

Waverly grinned. "We're so doing it. Plus, a picnic in front of the castle. Sandwiches and mini quiches. Okay, okay, priorities. Do you confront M?"

"J needs to look into it before I do anything. I may have, sort of tried to go after the Widow independently."

"What? Nicole, are you insane? You can't do this on your own. She's too dangerous. God this is a mess."

"You're telling me. I should have taken your advice, never got into this game."

"You should, but that's for another time. We are where we are. Okay, okay, let's think this through. Let's suppose you're right and they are lovers. Or were, or have something between them."

"M's married, or was. Wears a ring."

"She still might have had a relationship with the Widow. Maybe it was a secret. Maybe they met on a mission and fell in love. But it wasn't meant to be, because you know the bitch is cray and a murderer."

"Following. So, M knows her, or knew her, and told her about you. Why?"

"No idea. Doesn't make sense. We weren't together. It's not as if I'm one of you."

Nicole's eyes widened. "Maybe she was one of us. No, that's crazy. I'm going too far down the rabbit hole. J might find something. Where do you want to sleep tonight?"

"With you. Are you okay coming back to father's?"

"I thought I wasn't in his good books."

"He's in Chalfield for a few days. It's just us, oh and that other agent, James. Bit full of himself."

"Don't mention any of this to him."

"Oh, I tell him all our secrets. I thought that's what spies do."


Nicole watched as Waverly dressed the next morning, admiring her choice of business attire, wishing she could go with her, see what her office looked like. As if Waverly had read her mind, she invited her to visit, James driving them to Waverly's place of work. Waverly watched as eyes fell on Nicole, male and female, her presence, the way she carried herself, and her distinctive hair making heads turn. Both proud and jealous at the same time, Waverly ushered her fiancé into her office closing the door. "I have a meeting in a little over an hour. What would you like to do?"

Nicole headed to the window, gazing out over London. "You."

"Nicole! This is my workplace. God, I've so wanted to. Ever since we got back together. Have to be quick though. I'll tell my assistant not to disturb us."

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