Chapter 25

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"It is wrong," Nicole agreed. "But, I signed up for this." She knew the Rubicon had been crossed in revealing what happened between her and the Widow. Under any other circumstances she would have kept the details of the mission to herself, not burden those she loved. This time was different. She needed Waverly to understand there was a reason for her outbursts and irrational behaviour.

"She..." Waverly turned to retch again. "It's sickening."

"The longer I kept it from you the more it was eating me inside."

"God, I can't imagine what you've gone through."

"It didn't matter before. Now, with you back in my life-"

"How could she do that to you?"

"Power. Control. Take your pick."

Waverly straightened her body, still hanging onto the edge of the sink, still in shock. "Does M know what she did to you?"

"Tried to do. I may have fought back."

"I wish you had killed her. I honestly do."

"Nearly did."

Waverly's body began to shake uncontrollably at the prospect of Nicole killing the one person she hated most in the world. "I head hurts. I need to sit down."

Nicole watched as the colour drained from Waverly's face, grabbing her before she hit the flagstone floor. "Waves, Waves," she repeated, watching as her eyes opened.

"Make it end," Waverly whispered.

"I will, I promise. Let's get you upstairs."

Waverly's mother was in the kitchen when Nicole returned a little after seven. "You girls were up early," she said, clearing away the glasses and mug. "I found my recipe for mushroom vol au vents if you could give it to your mother. Tell her if she needs help to call me."

"You'll have to visit Cassillis when we're settled."

"I'll let you into a secret," Waverly's mother said, filling the sink with water. "I may have searched the details online. It's charming. Don't let Waverly get ahead of herself. She has so many ideas without always thinking them through. Not like her sister."

"How is Wynonna? Haven't seen her in years."

"Still training to be a surgeon. Not my cup of tea, all that blood."

"Must catch up with her. It's been far too long."

"She'll be here in a few hours if you wanted to stay for lunch." Lost in thought momentarily, Waverly's mother stared into the soapy water. "I've never thanked you."

"For what?"

"For saving my Waverly."

"I'm sorry," was all she could think to say.

Waverly's mother turned, attempting to force a smile. "Nigel should have been more careful. There are those who dislike my husband and his politics. We've had our fair share of threats. To think they would do this to another of our children."


"Those who disagree. That dreadful woman."

"Sorry, who?"

"The Prime Minister. I told him not to get involved, but he's stubborn like Wynnie."

"Are you saying the Prime Minister had something to do with Waverly's kidnapping?"

"Oh no dear. Although, there are those in her circle who can't be trusted. Why my husband even bothers mixing with them. He should know by now some do not hold this country in as high a regard."

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