Chapter 26

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"Who was that," Waverly asked, as Nicole slipped back into bed.



"And, what?"

Waverly brushed the hair away from her face. "And..."

"Needed help with a crossword clue."

"Don't tell me then. And, there's no need to be rude."

"I wasn't. There are some things I can't tell you that's all."

Waverly headed to the bathroom, muttering to herself. "I'm not a child," she announced, as she emerged a few minutes later.

"Waves please."

Waverly began pulling clothes from her bag. "You think I won't be able to handle it. Don't you?"

"It's not that. It was just some information J had. Nothing important."

"That's worse."

"How?" Nicole's forehead creasing.

"Because if it was just information," Waverly's fingers air-quoting 'just,' "you would have said."

"It is just information," Nicole replied, repeating the air quotes, earning a scowl from Waverly. "Waves, if it was important, I'd tell you."

"So, why can't you tell me if it's not that important?"

Nicole grinned. "That's the trouble with having a super smart partner."

Waverly's hands were now on her hips. "I don't want you keeping things from me. Just because."

"Just because," Nicole repeated with air quotes sending Waverly into a rage.

"Don't. Just don't."

"Look, it was was something the Widow sent me. J wanted my thoughts."

"Recently? Is she still sending you things?"

"Vienna. J's only got round to looking at it."

"You're not back on the case?"

"Definitely not back on the case. How about we take my mother to lunch in Bath. Maybe look at a few rings while we're there."

Waverly perched herself on the edge of the bed. "I may have already got you something. It's a surprise."

"Has it something to do with you not wearing the ring?"

"No. Okay, a little."

"Whatever it is I'll love it."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I don't want you near that bitch. Not after-"

"Which one?"

"That one. Promise me you won't. Even if M orders you."

Nicole shuffled down the bed to sit beside Waverly. "Promise."

Their trip to Bath was a success, their lunch in Rosario's a chance to relax further, unwind and take life at their own pace. Nicole's mother was in fine form, enjoying the company of the couple, glad to have a chance to catch up with her daughter. She too could see how happy Nicole was now Waverly would finally be in her life forever.

A visit to the Roman Baths, ice creams purchased from a street seller, they made their way back to the car park, Nicole slowing down to look in a shop window. "I only have ten more minutes on the ticket," her mother advised. "I don't want to get a fine."

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