Chapter 16

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"Decent malt," M commented. "The Macallan 18 if I'm not mistaken."

Nicole glanced at the bottle on the drinks stand, spotting the number on the label, guessing M knew her whiskeys. "What game are we playing here?" she asked.

"A dangerous game," M replied, bringing the glass to her nose, taking in the aroma of the whiskey. "I apologise for putting you in a position where you were not comfortable."

"You want me to eliminate the Widow. Give me the authority to go after her, dead or alive."

M took in more of the fine whiskey. "I cannot do that."

"Thought not. You'd rather I was sacrificed."

"It's not a question of sacrifice. Yes, your life is in danger, but also safe."

Nicole had had enough. "This stops now. Either you tell me what's really going on, or I walk."

"OOH, Nicole, you are more like me than you realise."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I too was passionate once, took life far too seriously, thought I could change it. Genuinely believed I could save someone I loved. We learn to temper our hearts as the world beats its drum."

"Stop fucking with me. Do you want her dead?"

"I'll ignore that."

"I can't sit around waiting for her to show up on my doorstep."

"You may have to. She is our key into JOSHUA."

"I can't. She'll kill Waverly. This is too close to home."

"What if I could guarantee Waverly's safety, would you do this for me?"

Nicole took another mouthful of whiskey, letting its fire burn the back of her throat. "I...I don't trust you."

"I will keep her safe if you bring me the Widow."

"How did she know? No one knew about Waverly."

M cradled her glass in her hands. "A tactical error. An oversight."

Nicole gripped her own glass to stop her hand shaking. "Oversight! She had a gun pointed at her. She has nightmares because you made a tactical error."

"I thought. She was never part of the plan. We needed to draw the Widow out and you were our best option. She likes a certain kind."

"You're a bigger bitch than her."

M finished her drink, placing the glass on the table. "We do what is necessary. The Widow chose a different path, one I was hoping to contain. Her involvement with JOSHUA moves her beyond my reach, except I have you who might be my one shot at bringing an end to her ambitions."

Nicole grabbed M's glass, refilling it and her own. "You know dying isn't the hardest part of this job. It's watching those we love be destroyed because of what we do. I can't let that happen to Waverly."

M accepted the drink, cupping it once more in her hands, staring into the liquid, reminiscing on old times. "I knew someone once, such a mind, the best. But fragile, like a child, desperate for love and adoration, wanting more than I could ever possibly give. I betrayed her."

Nicole sat on the opposite couch, cradling her own drink. "I can't right your wrongs. This isn't fair."

"I'm not asking you to. I did something, something unforgivable, because of this work we do for Queen and country. She no longer wants anything to do with me. Which is why I need you. She sees you, she wants you, and I'm convinced she will do anything to have you."

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