Chapter 40

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Entering Nicole's hospital room, M closed the door behind her. "I'm sorry. I wish I had been able to get to you sooner. How are you?"

"I'll survive, if only to annoy Waverly." Waverly's hand tapped her arm. "Ouch, super fragile right now."

"The detective who assaulted you will be charged," M said, handing Nicole a brown envelope.

"What's this?"

"A full retraction of the accusations against you, currently being circulated to all news channels."

"I...I don't understand," Nicole replied. "How?"

"Let's just say the Prime Minister was accommodating under the circumstances."

M's sudden vanishing act had something to do with the envelope now in Nicole's hands, explaining to the couple how the Prime Minister had agreed to a meeting, assuming M would resign, allowing her to install someone to do her bidding.

The Prime Minister's car pulled up outside the restaurant, M already seated at a table towards the back. "I'm glad you've come to a decision," the PM said, as a waiter took her drink order. "Tedious having to fire you."

"This game is for someone younger," M replied, watching the waiter return with a double gin and tonic.

"Are we ready to order ladies?" he asked.

"Not quite," M said, sliding a brown envelope across the table.

"Thank you. Your replacement will start immediately."

M raised her glass. "Here's to traitors."

"They keep us employed," the PM replied, raising her own glass.

"I wonder if I might ask a favour."

"Within reason."

"I need a small loan of say seven hundred million dollars."

The Prime Minister lowered her glass, eyes bearing into M. "Is this a joke to you. You should be thankful."

"I am. Your sloppiness allowed me to tie the pieces together, finally."

"If we are done here, I suggest you vacate your office today."

"Aren't you going to read my resignation?"

The Prime Minister grabbed the envelope from the table, standing, downing her drink in one gulp. "Remember your position M."

"Only, you might find the reasons for my resignation clash with your plans for JOSHUA."

"Don't play games with me. You're not in my league."

"Maybe not. I prefer the company of those who do not sell out their country. Or, blow it up."

"The world is changing faster than we know and you naively assume the old ways will protect us."

"And, JOSHUA is the way forward."

"We've played by the old rules for too long," the Prime Minister replied.

"And killing your own is the new game."

The Prime Minister sat once more, the brown envelope still in her hand. "You and I both know the stakes. The few for the good of the many."

"Should that be the many for the good of you."

"It always amuses me why people like you fail to see the bigger picture."

"It always amuses me," M countered, "why someone like you fails to see the smaller picture. The waiter serving us is MI6, a computer wizard, able to transfer funds from a secret organisation into your private account in Switzerland."

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