Chapter 33

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Another long flight, Nicole was less than pleased to be awoken by Xavier as their plane made its descent into Sydney. A cramped apartment in a quiet part of the city would be their new hiding place, for no other reason she assumed than to bear witness to the murder of innocent children. Except, M had an ulterior motive for their presence, an invitation she wanted to extend to the Widow to reconsider her allegiances, hoping to get her to testify the British government had been infiltrated by traitors at the highest level. The Prime Minister had commiserated with M at the loss of her operatives, wishing her a speedy recovery, knowing better than to finish the job of murdering the head of MI6 with so much media attention surrounding the bombings. The botched assault on M's house was sufficient for now, something which may well prove just as effective in replacing her with someone more in step with the PM's less than legitimate agenda.

Nicole spent another lonely night in a place she didn't know, in a location she didn't recognise, in a country so far from home and Waverly's arms. An early morning run took her on a new route, watching as families left their homes, children getting into cars for their journey to school, passing other children on foot going to their places of learning. She knew something would happen in a few hours' time over which she would have no control, knowing the worlds of those going about their everyday business would be rocked forever after what the Widow and Petra Blankova had planned.

The heart of a community. That was the theme with every attack. Go for the heart. Bombing London's underground was akin to attacking the heart of the Capital, knowing how much Londoners relied on it. Not simply as a physical means of getting around, but as a connector, and a protector in times of need. Those who had sheltered underground during WWII, lying next to each other night after night on platforms deep below the surface, safe from the bombs dropping from above.

Waverly listened to her editor drone on about delays and technical problems, doodling a jam jar on her pad, nodding when there was a pause. "The first edition was a huge success. The second needs to have even more impact. We need a theme. Something to bring it all together."

"Loyalty," Waverly replied, without thinking.

"Yes. If I remove some of the less zingy stories. Plus a stronger front cover image. I'll get to work on it right away."

"No, I meant. But, actually why not. It's who she is. Was."

The editor was about to leave, turning to face her. "I never met her, but you seemed...She would have been great on the cover."

"Would have been awkward, given what she did for a living."

"I saw the news. Was she really? You know, a proper spy."

"She didn't do it."

"Oh no, I don't believe the news. Always thought it odd it was only her being accused for something that big. Plus, no video at any of the stations. I mean."

"Thank you. I need to make a few calls."

As soon as her editor closed the door she was on the phone to M. "Why wasn't there any video?"

"Sorry, I'm not following."

"The stations. Why wasn't Nicole caught entering the stations? Or, the van. Where's the evidence?"

"Indeed," M replied. "I'll make an intelligence officer of you yet."

"They said she was shot escaping, but there were no images."

M dragged her legs over the side of the bed. "Waverly, there are some things not for the public gaze."

"Did you see them?"

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