Chapter 10

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Nicole held the phone away from her ear as she hurried to find somewhere in the airport where she could talk without others overhearing. "What the actual fuck?" Waverly yelled. "You left me alone in the restaurant."

"Sorry. I needed to clear my head. Some things-"

"Sorry! Sorry! Alone Nicole. What if-"

"Not entirely alone. You had MI6 in a car outside."

"Don't you dare justify what you did. Why? What have I done?"

"It's not you. I'm not good for you. You were right the first time. This job isn't-"

"Don't do this to me. We're engaged. I finished with Perry because of you."

"Good to know."

"What is wrong with you? One moment you're throwing your grandmother's ring at me, next I'm an afterthought."

"I didn't throw the ring at you. I offered it. Clearly, it's not what you want."

"I haven't seen it. I'm merely pointing out you went from hot to cold pretty fucking quick."

"I'm sorry, okay."

"Talk to me. Nicole, please, this isn't like you."

Nicole exhaled audibly. "When you left the house I thought someone had you."

"Is that why?"

"If I'm with's like she's stalking us."

"Oh Nicole, are you scared you can't protect me?"

"I'm not allowed to go after her."

"Others will. This house of yours, I'd like to see it."

"I'll call when I get back."

"Which airport? For the house."

"Can we...can we talk when I get back?"

"If you don't tell me I'll find out. Actually, my assistant will. You'd better pick me up, or it'll be my father you'll have to deal with. And, my MI6 stalker."

"Waverly...please. Glasgow. I just need-"

Waverly ended the call before she could finish. Heading back to the departure lounge, no longer sure she was doing the right thing, her own flight was being announced, wondering whether she should simply return to London, talk through all her crazy thoughts, let them have a chance at happiness if that was still possible.

"Last call for passengers on British Airways flight 1484 to Glasgow."

Strapped in, ready to take off, a small child in the next seat offered her a candy. Nicole accepted the sticky gift, pretending to put it in her mouth, making a chewing motion, so not in the mood to entertain anyone's kid on the hour-long flight. Eyes closed, her thoughts returned to Waverly. She wanted to be with her, but everything was messed up, danger clinging to them like the sugary residue on dirty little hands.

Every day the Widow was free to do whatever she pleased their lives would be nothing more than a game of keeping one step ahead of her, and whoever JOSHUA might be. Better to have the pain of not being together, she concluded, than the agony of watching the other die at the hands of an evil bitch. Never before had she had to worry what her job entailed until the moment Waverly entered the room. She could handle it, the job, whatever was thrown at her, whatever she was asked to do, except that. Seeing the terror in Waverly's eyes as they dragged her in, having to face the real possibility of the Widow shooting the one person she loved before her own eyes, that image, that memory was eating her from the inside out and she couldn't do a damn thing about it.

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