Chapter 4

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Bobo motioned with his right hand for them to join him, running one finger around the rim of his glass, bringing it to his lips. "Someone who doesn't want to be known. Someone who lives in the shadows and will not take kindly to having his affairs exposed."

Nicole opened her purse, Bobo's bodyguards reaching for their guns. "I have a small present that's all," she said, "if you'll let me show you." Reaching inside, she retrieved the quarter concealing a micro card, pushing it across the table, Bobo's eyes following as Nicole's finger remained on top of the covert coin. "I give you this, you give me the Widow and whoever she's working for."

"If that's what I think it is," Bobo replied, "I'll happily give you the Widow. I will need to check first it's all there."

"It's all there. If you don't trust me, I can go elsewhere."

"I didn't say I wasn't interested."

"Both, or nothing. That's the trade."

Bobo took another sip of his daiquiri. "My life would be over if I gave you more than the Widow."

Nicole began to slide the coin back to her side of the table. "Both."

"Alright. I have a company name. Nothing more."

Nicole glanced at Xavier, his head nodding. "The name."

"In Frankfurt. A private bank."

"A front. Not good enough. I'll need more."

"The Widow's money is funnelled through Clanton Capital. It's all I have."

"That doesn't tell us who the Widow is working for," Nicole replied, picking up the coin, about to put it back in her purse.

"Margot Clanton," Bobo offered. "She's known by those who use her services as God's new banker."

Nicole placed the coin back on the table. "If what you say checks out I'll send you the access code."

Bobo reached over to take the coin, Nicole placing a finger on top of his. "If not, we never do business again."

Bobo shrugged. "What's the Widow to you?"

"She owes me."

The pair made their way out of the club, hailing a taxi to take them back to their hotel, waiting until they were inside Nicole's room before discussing what they now knew, knowing not to reveal too much in case anyone was listening. "It's not a name I know," Nicole said, stepping out of her heels. "So uncomfortable."

"He knew more," Xavier replied, opening the mini bar. "Brandy, or whiskey?"

"Brandy. Why hasn't she come up on our radar before?"

"Maybe she has. If she's what he says she is, then we're talking..."

"We had her. That's the frustrating part."

"I suspect she'll be twice as shy from now on. How's Waverly?"

"Traumatised. I don't get it. Her father's on the warpath."

"Not surprised. It was touch and go getting her out."

"She's not trained for this."

"I hear congratulations are in order."

"A little premature. She's thinking about it. It's all this."

"It's not the lifestyle for everyone. Jules understands, but we've had words, fierce words."

"I handed in my resignation."

Xavier took a mouthful of whiskey. "Would like to have seen the boss's face."

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