Chapter 6

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Nicole returned to the Boardroom to find two cleaners and Cleo's assistant attempting to mop up after Xavier. Spotting Nicole looking for her boss, the flustered assistant directed her to an adjacent meeting room, Xavier still apologising for having emptied his stomach over the table. Twice. He too was a good liar, Cleo smiling, although Nicole could tell she was not best pleased with how their first meeting was going.

Nicole opened her folder, extracting a business card and the fake corporate brochure to leave behind, holding out her hand. "Perhaps it's best I take my accountant back to the hotel to rest. Thank you again for your time."

"Perhaps we could meet for drinks," Cleo suggested. "Where are you staying?"

"The Jumeirah," Nicole replied, smiling. "Sadly, I fly out in a few hours. Another time perhaps."

"I look forward to it."

Xavier appeared to have recovered by the time they reached their hotel, the pair packing their bags ready for the short flight home. In the past she might have stayed longer for that drink with Cleo, explore whether there were any in-roads to her business affairs, the same way she ingratiated herself with the Widow, turning on the charm, flirting enough to whet another's appetite. She had no interest in either, other than what they could give her.

It wasn't a case of someone like the Widow revealing everything to her simply because she was drop-dead gorgeous, it was more a case of observing and listening, getting a feel for a target. Nicole had yet to decide on Cleo. She would need to see what J could tease out of the company's computer system, see how dirty Clanton Capital was under its pristine surface. Given Bobo had offered its name there was every reason to believe this company was very dirty indeed. He only ever dealt with those as filthy as himself, those who chose not to ask questions on where money came from, so long as it moved in their direction.

The traffic was busy out of Heathrow, Nicole accepting a lift from Xavier into London, dropping her outside her house. The first thing she did was ring Waverly, pouring herself a large whiskey while waiting to hear her voice. "I'm home honey."

Waverly's squeal of delight was a welcome sound. "I've a few things to finish off here. Father's at some charity event this evening. How do I get rid of my bodyguard?"

"I could shoot them if you like."

"Don't. I need to pack a bag before I come over."

"That's rather forward of you Miss Earp," Nicole replied, lifting the glass to her lips.

"No, sorry. I just thought."

"Of course you can. I could ask the bodyguard to come for you in the morning."

"Isn't that your job?"

"Waverly! You're getting as bad as me. How long will you be?"

"All night."

"I'm shocked. Hurry, I'm about to take a shower."

"Can you wait? I'd like to, with you."

Nicole checked the fridge, balancing her phone on her shoulder. "Two bottles of champagne. I'll need to get us something to eat. No, no, don't say it."

Waverly giggled. "This is like old times."

"Me having nothing to eat and a fridge stocked with vintage champagne. Pretty much. I missed you."

"Missed you too. What did I ever see in Perry?"

"Have you told him?"

Waverly paused. "Not yet. I was going to. I think it should be in person."

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