Chapter 22

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Deciding to play along for now Nicole resubmitted her report to M, removing statements which suggested her boss had direct links to the Widow and therefore a secret organisation. There remained so many unanswered questions, not least what Waverly's father was doing discussing JOSHUA with another member at his private club. She wished she had asked Waverly which club that might be, although that would draw attention to her being interested in his affairs.

Her afternoon dragged, as did early evening. Seven o'clock came and went with no call or text from Waverly. M had been clear when it came to Waverly's safety, insisting she was safe, although her gut told her that might have been said merely to keep her on side, keep her doing M's bidding, keep her from doing something she might regret. By eight she no longer could concentrate, pacing the kitchen, sending a text to Waverly asking if she was coming over.

By nine she was frantic, calling Waverly, getting only her voicemail. She called the main office number, no one answering, Nicole desperate to know where her fiancé might be. Her last hope was J, he reluctant at first to use MI6's tracking facility to locate Waverly's phone, relenting on hearing the desperation in Nicole's voice. "Just this once, but it's against the rules. I'll call you when I have a position."

She waited ten minutes before calling him again. "Anything?"

"I have her at a house near yours. Draycott Place."

"Charlotte's. Thank you. I owe you."

At nine twenty three Waverly called to say she was on her way over, Nicole pretending to have forgotten what time she said she would call, acting pleased on opening the door. "So sorry," Waverly said, dumping her overnight bag in the hall. "Meeting overran with the photographer. I still think it would be great having you on the front cover."

"What did the photographer want?" Nicole asked, pouring two glasses of red.

"Not for me. Early start tomorrow."

"I thought the front cover looked great."

"One of the articles."

Nicole poured Waverly's drink down the sink. "Tea?"

"Bed," Waverly replied. "I'm exhausted. I'll be glad when the magazine launches."

"Any more thoughts on the engagement party?"

"As a matter of fact yes. It's a secret, for now."

Nicole took a mouthful of wine. "Thought it was only me who kept secrets."

"I can be a sneaky squirrel too. Do you mind if I go up? I've brought Marmaduke back. Felt mean taking him."

"Where's the ring?"

Waverly stared at her naked finger. "Safe. I'll be in the shower if you need me. God, I'm so tired."

Nicole waited for Waverly to leave the room, topping up her glass, wondering what game Waverly was playing. The hours ticked by, her mood no brighter by the time she decided to head to the bedroom, Waverly fast asleep cuddling Marmaduke. Lying awake her mind returned to the moment the Widow was to mark her body, the moment when she so very nearly would have been owned by that bitch. It didn't matter what the branding mark was, the fact her body would have a permanent reminder of that woman's work got under her skin more than having a gun pointed at her.

None of her training prepared her for that moment, a moment when her body would have become the possession of another. Closing her eyes trying as best she could to sleep it was hopeless, the Widow wouldn't let her. She was winning, her little games, her little mind tricks were working and there was nothing she could do about it.

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