Chapter 18

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Nicole stared at J. "The Widow."

"M believes the Widow has a weakness for you."

"And, Cleo Clanton. Do you know how that makes me feel?"

J looked up from the papers in his hand, considering Nicole's question for a moment. "No, I'm afraid I don't. I thought you liked using everything you had."

"What? I do not like using my body to get the job done. I may flaunt it, I may tease, but that's it. Have you ever known me to go all the way? I'll answer that for you. Never, I've never gone beyond that line."

"OOH, may I make an observation."

"You may. But if you tell me I need to do something I don't want to do."

"That would be a command. You seem ill at ease that another would find you attractive. We cannot choose who admires us."

"A terrorist, that's who. A terrorist who is part of a bigger terrorist organisation. And, a banker who's as dirty as they come."

"Her mother."

"Whose mother?"

"Margot Clanton is the prize. Her daughter is a lesser player."

"So it's okay for me to bed her. Great, thanks for clarifying."

J sighed. "Are you premenstrual?"

Nicole gasped. "What? I can't believe just."

"I do find you a little more emotional than usual. I'm attempting to work out why."

"I'm not emotional," Nicole snapped. "Have you ever had to prostitute yourself? Answer me that. Have you?"

"I'm not an intelligence officer," J replied. "I fail to see why your liaison with Miss Clanton is causing you to have this outburst."

"That's it, give me my gun."

"Shooting me will achieve little, other than kill me and everyone on this plane. Not the wisest of choices."

"Are you here just to torment me? Is that why M sent you? Just to make sure I went completely mad."

"I volunteered. I'm missing a bridge night as a consequence."


"My partner isn't particularly pleased, but one has to make sacrifices for this job."

Nicole looked at J, unable to stop herself from laughing. "Indeed, sacrifices."

Their hotel was a short distance from the Schönbrunn Palace where the ball was to be held. Nicole stood by the window gazing at the backs of buildings, this particular hotel not to her liking, certainly not one she would take Waverly. There were other five-star hotels in Vienna in which she would have preferred to stay, but J had chosen this one because of its location and history.

Sending Waverly a quick text to let her know she had landed, she set about making herself beautiful for the night ahead. A long bath helped ease the tension in her muscles, taking time to apply make-up, cursing at having to cover over the mark on her neck. Unzipping the dress bag J brought with him she pulled out the dress chosen for her to wear that evening, rolling her eyes. Versace, black with oversized, crystal-encrusted safety pins accentuating the shoulders and a sexy thigh split, a dress begging for attention.

It fitted perfectly, the matching evening bag and shoes showing off her outfit, making her way to the hotel lobby, ignoring the drooling men who had the privilege of seeing her dressed for sex. J was there in a waiter's outfit, busy on his phone as she approached, not blinking an eye on seeing her in the dress. "The microphone is in the right shoulder pin," he said as she sat opposite. "Unfortunately, I'll need to keep your gun. Tight security at the palace."

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