I Just Don't Know

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Cushing Pov

Paige as I expected is having a whole trashing breakdown about having the tube.

She has not directly purged like she just did multiple times in six months. She was going to be considered fully, with that said loosely, recovered from purging come next week.

I know she has not been eating what she should be when she is with Taylor. Taylor isn't home often so Paige can get away with the "I have already eaten" excuse to not eat.

As far to my knowledge she had not been purging like that. If I had let her continue there would have been even further damage to her stomach.


About thirty minutes into Paige having the feeding tube, the doctor comes in with her x-ray results.

Paige has spent the last thirty minutes silently crying while Taylor has been holding onto and rubbing her left hand.

There was one little "Make it stop mom" from Paige after nobody said anything to her screaming plea of earlier.

Taylor's face did a surprise motion which basically let me know that Paige has not been calling her mom lately, and then said, "Honey I know it hurts but our actions have consequences and this is helping you get better."

"Do I really need to be restrained?" Paige says to the both of us but mainly looking at me.

"You tried to get it out earlier so I am afraid so." I say.

"I just want to go home." She says right before the doctor walks in.


Taylor Pov

The doctor walks in and introduces themselves as Doctor Justin.

He walks over to Paige after introducing himself to Lindsay and says to Paige and I that she will be okay.

It was described that there is inflammation in her stomach and her esophagus has burning along the sides along with the roof of her mouth.

Justin said they want to keep Paige overnight for observation and that they are going to prescribe antibiotics to likely help with the burning she caused to her intestines.

"Can I stay with her?" I ask.

The doctor nods his head but Lindsay says "Hey Taylor a word?"

I follow her out into the hallway.

"I am staying with her I really don't care what you think right now."

"I wasn't going to say you could not stay with her Taylor I just needed to inform you of something."

"What now Lindsay?" I respond.

"Paige said she is worried about you."

"She doesn't need to worry about me."

"Taylor why didn't you continue with therapy."

"It didn't feel helpful."

"I can give you someone else?"

"No Lindsay I am fine. Paige doesn't need to worry about me. She is probably just worrying when I am not home and I can change that. Now we don't need you here anymore so you can leave." I say.

Lindsay replies with, "Okay I am going to tell Paige I am leaving." and goes back into the room.

I walk down the hallway trying to find the cafeteria. Everyone told me Paige likes the pudding here at the hospital so I try to find it for her.

Never Change but Never Stay the SameDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora