Flash Forward and We're Taking on the World Together

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4 months later

Taylor Pov

It has been four months since I brought Paige back home from the hospital.

She is still incapable of walking, and the physical therapist told us the other day, that it could be a struggle for her to start walking again after all this time.

However, her concussion has gotten a lot better. She is able to use electronics and do schoolwork now, at a moderation.

Tour starts next month, and while Paige is still not in well enough health to be apart of the band for some songs, she can come on the road and be within the crowd, as long as she is wearing sound proof headphones as both the sound and the lights would still be too over stimulating.

Today we are going to go see the stage for the first time. I wanted this very long catwalk off the the main stage, that could raise up and down a spin like a helicopter.

I walk down the hallway to wake Paige up for the day, but she is already up.

It has been increasingly harder for her to sleep at night. I want to believe that it is just her concussion, but as the concussion gets better the not sleeping at night gets worse.

"Hey Mom, can you put the wheel chair by my bed, so I can slide into it, I'm hungry and want breakfast." She says.



Paige Pov

Being able to move about myself, well with the wheel chair, has been liberating at best.

That month of staying away from electronics and basically all civilization except Taylor, was for lack of better words, a little suicidal.

Now I can use electronics at a moderate level, which I am happy about. I can also do schoolwork at moderate levels as well which pleases Taylor, but annoys me.

Don't get me wrong, I love learning, especially being homeschooled by Taylor, even if she is a little strict on me sometimes, but I just can't hold focus doing something for a while.

I get distracted so easily and I don't know why, I could be doing a math problem one minute and then drawing a butterfly in the margin of the paper the next minute.

Taylor says I might have something called ADD  or ADHD. She explained it to me as basically a mental disorder that impacts someone's focus when doing tasks.

Part of me hopes that that is what I have to just have an explanation, but part of me doesn't because I am scared. 

Taylor also just realized recently a pattern when I do multiple choice quizzes or tests for school I know the material well enough to circle the right answer, but something goes on where I erase it and then choose the wrong answer.

She also began to notice it popping up in different math equations such as Pythagorean theorem or trig Questions when you need the specific sides of the triangle.

Taylor wants to go to a neuroscience place to have this all checked out after my concussion is cleared.

Which my concussion is getting a lot better, we went to the doctor a couple days ago and he said that as long as I wear sound proof ear phones I can go on tour with Taylor.

About a month into tour my concussion should be cleared, and I might possibly be able to start using crutches then.

I am really excited for this whole healing process. I feel like I am slowly regaining my freedom.

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