Lying on the Cold Hard Ground

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Taylor Pov

I don't move for a minute, astonished at what the guy who I thought loved me just did.

I stand up and then realize the pounding pain in my head along with bruises up and down my limbs from hitting the ground with such a force.

I just sit back down, taking off my painful healed sandals, and bring my legs to my chest and cry.

How could I be so blindsided?!

I told myself I wouldn't be stupid in love, but look at me now.

Everyone told me to be careful, why didn't I listen.

How the hell am I supposed to get home?!

How could Calvin just push me out of his car in the middle of nowhere?!

Get a grip Taylor.

I get up and dust the dirt off my legs. And I just start walking back down this ever ending highway back towards New York City.

I don't know who to call and what to do, I'm so broken.

I can't call Martha, because she is with Paige and I never want my daughter seeing me like this.


Martha Pov

I eventually get Paige to stop crying, she doesn't want to fall asleep though.

You'd think all the crying she just did on my shirt she would be exhausted and fall right asleep. However that is not the case.

Once Paige stopped crying and I comforted her to let her know that she doesn't have any reason to be scared now that I'm here, she pulled her face off my shoulder and just turned her head in the effort to look out the window from the living room.

"Paige sweetie, how about you go to your room and lay in your bed?" I eventually say.

"Martha I am not tired." She responds bluntly.

"Paige honey. It's 3 am. I think you need to go to bed."

"Ugh fine Martha." She says. It's the first time she has given me any source of attitude all night.

I am no stranger at all to the attitude Paige possesses. It has certainly decreased through Taylor parenting and giving authority over her. However, she is still not all in favor of having any authority amongst her.

Paige gets up from the couch and hops on her one foot until grabbing her crutches to go down the hallway.

I feel bad for the girl. It's hard to get any modeling jobs in her current state of fading blue hair and inability to walk. I might see if my photographer could take headshots of her again, or if I can take her to get her hair done again. I just can see it in her, her passion for modeling want to export out of her but it can't and it breaks me.

I follow her down the hallway and turn the light off for her to go to bed. As soon as I close the door I hear her lamp turn on, a sure sign that she won't be sleeping, but I'll pick my battles and this doesn't seem like one of them.

Exhausted myself I go into the guest bedroom a little down the hall closer to the kitchen than Paige's. Taylor always has her guest rooms properly taken care of. Whenever I come and spend the night with her and Paige there is a robe, soaps, shampoo, conditioner, slippers and a sleep mask for me. And I mean every time. It's like I am staying at my best friends luxury hotel. Well that is what it is.

After laying on the bed in the robe for like five minutes, I realize that I left my phone in my purse on the kitchen counter. Reluctantly I get up off my bed and go to the kitchen.

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