No that is not going to happen

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Taylor Pov

My date with Calvin was enjoyable but I could not keep my mind from thinking about Paige.

As much as I wanted to go on this date, I feel like I left my daughter when she needed me the most.

As soon as Calvin dropped me off at my apartment with a kiss, I went inside, took off my painful to no end heels and then ran to Paige's bathroom.

I knelt at the doorway and just started balling.


That's the only thing I ask. Why? Why did God make this happen? Why now? Why us of all people?

I collect myself enough, to leave Paige's room and change into some ever promising sweats.

I then feed the cats, as I don't know when we are coming home.

Then I leave once more, to go back to the hospital.

Once arriving I find Austin in the waiting room.

"Why are you not with Paige?!" I say directly.

"I might've been kicked out by her nurse." He says timidly.

"That's right Taylor. He over stimulated Paige. We need to speak of an possibly of care now." Paige's nurse says as if she sensed me arriving.


"I will take you to Doctor Martins office now."

"Okay, Austin you can leave if you want." I say motioning the door to him.


Paige Pov

Just laying alone.

Staring at the ceiling of this small confining room.

My soul shattered beyond disbelief.

I heard my doctor and nurses.

Medically induced coma?!

Really? For me? This can't be happening.

I've been biting my lip for the past hour to stop any chance of bursting into tears from occurring.

"Hey sweetheart." Taylor says coming into my room.

"Hey Taylor. How was your date?"

"It was okay. I was worried about you the whole time. Why is Austin in the waiting room?"

"I don't know the nurses kicked him out."

"I just spoke with your doctor and we need to talk about something."

Is she really considering?

"Mom I know."

"I haven't even said anything yet sweetheart how could you know?"

"I heard the doctors talking. Please tell me you told them no."

"Sweetheart, of course I told them no, and we are leaving the hospital today."


"Yes baby girl. They agreed that if we didn't want to go through with the medical coma that I could take you home today, how does that sound?"

"Really good. I wanna leave this place."


Taylor Pov

After directions and directions of what Paige can and cannot do. I am wheeling my baby girl out of the hospital.

She fitted with a pair of sunglasses, a boot on her leg and the ever so wonderful wheel chair I am using to move her to the car.

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