All is Lost

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Paige Pov

Right now was going so well. I was getting jobs as a model, due to my hair color being different. Taylor asked me to play guitar for her on tour. Everything was just good, and now it's all gone, for an entire year.

Now I cannot do a modeling job for over a year, and due to my major concussion I most likely won't even be able to be in the arenas of tour.

"I will come back later when we have more results." The doctor says and leaves me alone with Taylor.

"Taylor, I am so sorry." I say not even being able to look at her.

"Sunshine, no need to be sorry, you are alright, that's all I care about." She says.

"You call this alright?" I say gesturing to the hospital room, then clutching my head as it rings from yelling.

"Paige, Honey, it could be much worse."

"I don't know what could be worse. I can't model for a year now and probably can't even go to tour this year. That's being away from you for so long." I say wanting to cry but I know that'll make my head want to burst.

"Paige, Honey, relax, we will figure this all out okay, now get some sleep." Taylor says.


Taylor Pov

I have never seen her this stressed but also broken at the same time.

She shuts her eyes and I wait until I can tell that she is asleep.

Then I head out into the hallway and try to find the doctor.

But my phone starts ringing, it's Adam.


"Hey babe." I say picking up.

"How's my gorgeous girl."

"Hey I'm going to need to rain check our date for tonight, okay, so sorry."

"It's okay baby girl, what came up."

I know he is only asking because he is fascinated with my life.

"Paige is in a hospital okay?" I say noticing my tone being a bit.

"What happened baby?" He says clearly worried, "Do you want me to come and see you in the hospital?"

"Calvin," I say using his stage name, "I just need to be alone with my daughter right now."

"Okay, bye baby." He says hanging up the phone.

I head out onto the street of New York needing a walk to cool myself down.

I pull out my sunglasses and thrown a beanie over my hair.

As much as I love saying hello to my fans I can't deal with anyone right now, especially paparazzi.

My head is about to explode from all the emotional thoughts I am having.

I know the hotel Austin has been staying in isn't that far away so I walk towards that direction.

Once getting to the building, I let myself up to Austin's room. He told me which it was the other night.

I knock on the door and he answers surprised saying, "Hey Tay what's up?"

I walk in front of him ripping off my sunglasses and hat and throwing myself into his bed.

Then saying, "oh you know that usual, my daughter is in the hospital."


Austin Pov

Taylor knocks on my door of my hotel room and once I open it she practically lets herself in.

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