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Paige Pov

Taylor and I are chilling on the couch watching friends together for probably the 100th time but it never gets old.

I get a text from Jessi. Taylor finally gave me my phone back about a week ago.

Hey girl

Hey , I respond with

What is up?

Nothing much, hey do you want to come over my house tomorrow night, Taylor has a date and Austin probably won't mind

I can't believe I am planning to make Austin go behind Taylor's back with me. Let's say if Taylor saw Jessi it would be an immediate disapproval.

That sounds great, she says.

Okay I'll text you time and address tomorrow

Okay bye P

Bye Jess

I like that my nickname with her is P, I don't know why but it seems to fit.

"Hey Taylor do we have any ice cream?" I ask.

Then her computer makes a notification noise, I know that noise, it's my grade on my math test.

I played it off as if I didn't care that much before but I know that if I don't do well Taylor is going to have my head.


Taylor Pov

Paige and I are on the seventh episode of friends in our mini marathon, she is texting someone on her phone.

Who knows who exactly but hopefully not a bad influence, cause that is something I don't want to deal with.

The computer makes the notification noise it makes when results or something comes from Paige's school.

I jump off the couch and run over the the computer, Paige doesn't move at the slightest.

I look at her result: 59

She failed it, but how? I have been helping her, she has been seeing a tutor.

"Go to your room." I say directly not even looking at her.

"But why?" She whines.

"Paige I said go." I say slamming the computer shut and she heads off to her room.

God I don't know what to do with her anymore. I have tried everything.

I allow for myself to cool down a bit before going down the hallway to her room.

"You failed your math test." I say walking in.

"So what's the big deal?" She says.

"What's the big deal?!" I say getting angry but then i breathe and calm myself down.

"Seriously. Mom calm down it's one test, I'll try harder on the next one, okay?"

"Promise?" I say just because although I am frustrated I don't want this to blow up.

"Yes mom." She says, "Can I come out of my room?"

"It's actually time for you to go to bed girly." I say.

"Really? It's not even 10 at night yet."

"10 is to late for you. Get ready for bed please. If you get ready now I'll come lay with you until you fall asleep."

With that Paige was practically running to her closet.

I head off into my bedroom to finally change out of the outfit I've been wearing all day.

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