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**trigger warning for mental health mainly eds* I will move away from mental health stuff for a bit so those who are triggered will be able to read again :)

Martha Pov

I think in my heart of hearts I knew Paige was going to break down. I knew she was going to see herself eventually as everyone else did. But I didn't think it was going to be at my apartment for sure.

She hands me her therapists number and I pick up my phone and ring.

When the woman picks up I say, "Hello is this Lindsay?"

"Yes and you are?"

"Hi Lindsay, I am Martha Hunt one of Taylor Swift's friends and I have Paige with me currently." I say and before she can speak back I put the phone to my chest and whisper to Paige saying, "Hey can you just go to a different room for a bit?"

She nods her head even thought I can tell she wanted to listen to the conversation.

Lindsay then begins speaking and she says, "Is everything alright? I can come over there in an hour if needed?"

"Well, Paige has a complete breakdown about her body in front a mirror a couple hours ago, scale was thrown around and all."

Lindsay cuts me off and says, "I felt a breakdown coming soon. Strange it didn't happen around Taylor though."

"That's my concern." I say.

"Taylor?" Lindsay Questions.

"Yes. I think Paige is at the point where she wants to recover but I don't think seeing how skinny Taylor is and how Taylor works out constantly, don't get my wrong I adore Taylor and I know she's a great Mom to Paige I just I don't think she is in a good spot either right now so it's not a healthy environment for Paige."

"Martha I completely understand where you are coming from. I was going to speak to Taylor briefly at the end of my session with Paige but there wasn't time for it but I have noticed and feared the same thing especially when Paige has had very limited home visits in the past couple months and things in that degree. Is it alright if I come over to your house in an hour and talk to Paige?"

I look at the time and realize it would only be 15 minutes before Taylor would come which would be perfect because then I can talk to T while Lindsay speaks with Paige.

"Yes that will work, Taylor will come to pick her up around then and so I can take her out for coffee in the park and talk girl to girl with her."

"That would be great. I don't want to have to bring Paige to a patient facility for treatment is there any homes you know she could possibly stay in if you can't take her in?" Lindsay says.

"I don't know if it's best for her to stay with me or any of Taylors model friends, we are all healthy weight but we are also on the skinny side and I am not sure if that is at all toxic but Paige really loves Taylor's brother Austin and I know he just got a place in New York because of his current acting job."

"Okay, we can all discuss the matters in an hour when I arrive. Thank you for letting me know this, because let me be honest with you Martha if Paige weren't to get in a better recovery soon and relapse further she could become hospitalized."

"Thank you Lindsay. I love that girl, I know Taylor does too. I want to make this better though."

"Me as well Martha. I will see you shortly."

"I'll send my address." I say and then we both say goodbye and I send her my pin.

I then put my phone down on the counter and go look for Paige.

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