Were you even thinking?

588 18 11

Karlie Pov

I am just sitting on my couch when I get a call from Taylor. To my surprise and to hers I pick up quickly. We haven't seen each other in a while, but I always have respect for her and will always be here for her as a friend.

I pick up saying, "Hey Taylor what's up."

"I don't know where Paige is and it is fully freaking me out."


"What do you mean you don't know where she is?" I say strangely feeling my heart race for Taylor. I know how much she cares about her daughter.

"She snuck out. Now she could be anywhere in New York." Taylor says.

"Taylor breathe. She will come back home."

"I know I know. She said she would come back home by 10. I am sorry to bother you. I just thought."

"You thought what Tay?"

"She said she needed to see this girl Jess? She won't stop talking about well since that modeling boot camp you and Martha ran. Do you have any memory of of her?" Taylor rambles off.

"Um let me think, I believe she was a red head, she wore a lot of black, I don't really know Taylor, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing. Sorry for bothering you."

"Bye Tay." I say hanging up.


Taylor Pov

How could Paige just sneak out like this? She knows that I am on high alert of her being hurt, since Calvin hurt me. Why would she do this to me?

I try calling her phone only for it to go to her voice mail of, "You've reached Paige Swift, yes the daughter of Taylor Swift, yes the famous singer, anyway leave a message after the beep."

She gets a couple rather frustrated messages from me. Hopefully giving her the message to come home soon.

I anxiously check the clock again and notice that it is seven pm. I've worried for so long now.


Three hours. Paige better be home in three hours. Or I will be even more worried.

I decide to call Austin to calm me down, but he doesn't pick up, and I realize he could just be busy, so I call mom instead.

As soon as she picks up I start rambling saying, "Mom, what do I do? Paige snuck out I'm a terrible mom, she's in the middle of New York City and I have no idea where she is. It's dark now. I don't know..."

Mom cuts me off and says, "Breathe Taylor".

"Did she leave you a note at all? I'm not the expert on this you and Austin never snuck out."

"Yeah she did, but didn't exactly tell me where she is." I say, "Mom I'm just worried sick."

I truly am worried sick, my head and stomach started to hurt an hour ago.

"Did she say anytime that she would be home?" Mom then asks.

"She said at 10."

"Ok, Taylor you don't need to worry until after 10 then." Mom says and it truly calms me down a bit.

"Now what are the cuts I see on your face from?"

Shit FaceTime was not the best idea

I love my mom, she has and always will be my best friend, but I want to work this out with Calvin, and if she knows he did this she won't let me near him again, even though I am 25.

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