Who are you?

537 17 16

Taylor Pov

Lindsay leaves and Paige is sitting in the living room, her knees up to her chest, wearing as she normally does a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants and has her blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

"Do you want to talk about anything?"

"Kind of but not right now, can I have a break for a bit?" She asks almost in a pleading kind of voice.

"Of course sweetheart, I am going to have to talk to you about something though later, okay?"

"yeah okay." Paige says and she then just leans her head against the couch, seemingly more burnt out than ever.

"Are you tired sweetheart?"

"No just exhausted."

"How about you try to sleep? Just give it like a try for me?"

"That's so much work though."

"Sweetheart can you just please try for me?"

"Maybe, can we watch friends?"

"Sure, I want you to try to drift off to sleep though okay?"

"Yeah okay." Paige says as I turn of the Tv.

I sit on the other side of the couch so she can have room to lay down more. As soon as I get comfortable in my blanket, which is a soft silky blush colored blanket Adam (Calvin Harris) got me. We are back on better terms now, he is understanding of Paige being a priority in my life from time to time, but I might be going on a date with him soon, I realize I forgot my computer.

"Hey sweetheart."

"What mom?" Paige responds.

"I am just going to make a call okay?"

"Yeah sure."

I go to the office and look up on my computer the number Lindsay told me to call, about getting Paige into a photography program with other kids, and also the number to get her tested for ADD, as Lindsay believes she may have it and could give a diagnoses she just wants testing to confirm or bring more insight.

I decide to call the testing center first.

"Hi this is Ms. Swift calling to possibly get my daughter Paige Swift tested for attention deficit or possibly another problem that could be hindering her learning."

The woman makes a gasp as she is probably surprised that I know "the taylor swift" is on the phone with her, however she remains professional.

She says, "We could fit you into the schedule for Saturday from 2-5? Or Sunday 3-6?"

I almost say Saturday and then remember that Paige is modeling for the colored hair photographer that Martha found, we are going to Martha's salon tonight or tomorrow morning.

"Sunday would work better."

"Alright, I will put your daughter in the schedule. Will you be paying online or at the office?"

"I will online, thank you so much, have a great day."

I hang up the phone and then look at my computer finding more information about the group for young photographers that Lindsay told me Paige might be interested in joining to make good influence friends.

I read the sight and decide to sign her up for the meeting where they are meeting at a dark room studio and printing film negatives as I know Paige will enjoy that.

I grab my laptop, as I decide I should get work done that I need to for the logistics that my team sent me an email about regarding tour and different city dates we are looking to add on top of what we already have.

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