Would you just try to listen?

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Taylor Pov

After making sure Paige is staying in her room, by locking the door, I go into my room with the piano and just sit down and begin playing with the keys.

Many would say locking her in her room was too harsh but the girl is out of control.

Now I am crying while playing piano keys.

"The good times, trying to give you a good life, trying to be your friend, but you are out of control to no end." I began to sing about my daughter, something that I have never done before.

I continue singing, "Maybe it was an impulse, taking you in, but now your my daughter and I never want that to end. There many be the rough times but I have made your life ten times greater than it was before."


After about an hour of writing I get up and wipe my face off before walking down to Paige's room.

I unlock door expecting that I am walking into a lions den, however when I open the door there is no screaming or yelling from Paige.

She just looks up at the door with a slight acknowledgment that I am there and then goes back to playing her guitar.

I am glad that even though she wants to model over being a recording artist she isn't giving up her love for writing and will be looking to sell some of her songs soon.

I am also in the process of thinking about allowing her to be a secondary guitarist next to Paul Sidoti on my 1989 World Tour.

"Hey put the guitar down and come sit over here." I say sitting down on her couch.

She directly pretends not to hear me and begins to strum her guitar louder.

I get up and walk over to her grabbing her guitar and putting it back on the wall stand before giving her a stern motherly look making my eyes large.

"Go sit over there." I say in a stern exhausted tone.

She gets up and silently walks over crossing her arms as she sits down.

"Do you know why you are in trouble in the first place."

"No." She says passive and aggressive.

"You directly disrespected my rules of having you stay home alone." I say, "So why are you still continuing not to listen to me?!"

"Because you don't let me do anything!" She shouts back.

"First off you are in no position to be raising your voice right now young lady." I say, "And I do let you do a lot. You have to admit that I have made your life ten times better than it was   before."

She just looks down at the ground.

"You understand you deserve being punished right?"

"No I didn't do anything!" She yells once more.

"That's it. Go stand in the corner and think about what you've done. I'll be back in a while and maybe then you'll have an answer for me." I say moving towards the exit of her room, "Don't think about moving out of the corner."


Paige Pov

Ugh! Why did I get myself into this mess. No actually why am I even in this mess! I did nothing wrong!

Stop lying to yourself, Taylor is going to want to know what you think you did wrong.

My legs are going numb it feels like Taylor has been gone for forever, but I bet it has only been an half an hour at most.

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