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Calvin Pov

Meeting Taylor was wonderful, seeing her eyes light up as she spoke of things she was passionate about. Such as her music. She had the courage to immediately tell me of her daughter.

That fact about her surprised me, as I never remembered Ellie telling me anything about her having a daughter.

Being the famous singer Taylor is we were immediately noticed by media. She acted as if to tell me to walk ahead of her, to just hide her more but when I didn't she just walked at a much faster speed in front of me as the paparazzi continued to yell and take pictures of us.

Luckily the restaurant we were at was not far from her apartment at all and with it being late in the night the cameras shouldn't have even been able to capture good photos of us.

At least hopefully

There are many positives of dating Ms. Taylor Swift no matter all the negatives her exes claim to say, that's right I talked to multiple of them before choosing to go on a date with her.

At the rate this is moving I know Taylor will want a second date very soon, and for me to call her Babe or Darling soon.

All her exes that I talked to have said, that she likes to move fast in a relationship, doesn't like to wait around. Says that she falls into love quickly and naively.

They also said to watch out for the way I break up with her, you don't want a song written about you, is their exact word phrasing.

The positives of dating her are that she is financially secure for the rest of her life, meaning that if all goes well I could stop working. She is gorgeous absolutely gorgeous. And thirdly she is famous and therefore could boost my DJ career as I just started out a little while ago.


Taylor Pov

Sure enough walking back to my apartment with Calvin caused the paparazzi to find us.

Which is absolutely horrible. There will be thousands of stories come tomorrow on the news, which is not what I want or need right now.

Once we get into the lobby of the apartment building my phone rings and I just say, "Sorry Calvin I have to take this."

It's Martha and so I pick up, "Hey Martha. What's up? Is something wrong with Paige?" I ask immediately.

"Sorry for bothering you, Karlie told me about your romantic evening but Karlie and I decided to take Paige out to dinner before coming back to your place. Is that alright?" Martha asks me.

"Yes that is perfectly fine. What time do you all think you would be arriving?" I then reply with.

"Probably in about an hour or so?" Martha says.

"Okay that's fine. I am actually back at the apartment with Calvin now, I really want him to meet Paige, but you guys take your time." I reply.

"You sure you aren't moving to fast, this was the first date Taylor." Martha then says back to me.

"Yes Martha, now go have fun, I'll see you later." I say and hang up the phone.

I then spin back around to Calvin who has been patiently waiting and he says, "What was that all about, everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, we have the apartment to ourselves for a bit, Paige is with some of my friends and they'll be back later." I say in am intrigued tone.

We head up to the apartment together and go straight into making out.

I know I move fast in relationships but this is the fastest I've ever moved, and something about me loves it.

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