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Martha Pov

Once I have Paige who has gone full anger mode in her room, and I come back to the main space of the apartment I find Taylor has gotten Calvin out but I now sitting on her kitchen floor with her hands holding her face.

"How how did he even get in here in the first place?" Taylor's shaken voice says as I lift her from the ground.

"I don't know, but he's gone now. Let's go get you cleaned up."

I lead Taylor into her bathroom and she sits down on her vanity stool and takes a makeup wipe to her eyes.

"Martha I keep the stuff to clean this," She says gesturing her cuts, "in Paige's bathroom. Can you go grab it, while I can just shower?"

"Sure thing Tay." I say and leave to go back to Paige's room.


Paige Pov

As soon as I saw his horrid face, all I knew was to go punch all his emotion gone. He hurt Taylor, physically and mentally.

It got to the point where Martha had to pull me off of him before I actually broke something off his. And bring me to my room.

We got into my room, Martha takes the medical boot off my foot, and says "it looks like someone is all healed saying what you just did."

"Yeah maybe." I say as she just has me sitting in the chair of my vanity to calm down.

"You going to tell me what that was?" Martha then asks.

"No. It was nothing." I reply softly looking at the ground. I don't understand why it's a big deal, Calvin has it coming.

"Paige you beat the sh*t out of him!" Martha says.

"So?!" I yell back.

"Woah calm down."

"I am calm Martha!" I yell once more.

"I am going to let you be. I need to help your mom." She says and leaves my room.

As soon as she leaves I stand without a boot on my ankle for the first time in months with no pain.

I take my throw pillows and throw them at my door along with dragging my comforter back and forth til it got off the bed.

I go to my closet finding my box of every sneaker imaginable and begin throwing them out rather violently.

I have all this pent up anger and frustration as to I couldn't protect Taylor from this. I let her get hurt like this.


Martha Pov

I walk back down the hallway to Paige's room. I open up the door and almost get a shoe to the face.

"Alright alright, we are gonna stop throwing stuff, and you're gonna talk to me." I say motioning for her to sit on her destroyed bed next to me.

Paige reluctantly gets up, slamming her closet door as her hopefully final blow of anger.

"What do you want me to say?"

"I am pretty sure you know that we use words when we are upset we don't destroy things." I say calmly hoping that she will calm down as well.

"Maybe that's how you deal Martha but throwing stuff makes me feel better." She responds being out of breath.

"Honey, I know, I know you're angry, I know why."

"No you don't. Nobody does. Taylor got hurt because," Paige is sounding like she just ran a marathon and is out of breath at this point.

"because of what Paige?"

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