Am I really grounded for life?

914 22 40

Paige Pov

I stop yelling and wailing my arms against my door after thirty minutes. One because I got tired and secondly I knew Taylor wasn't going to come.

I turned around finally only to realize Taylor took my guitar as well.

She is really mad at me.

Taylor would never deprive me of music unless she was really mad or disappointed in me. She told me that.

Annoyed and bored I slump into the thousand pillows on my bed and look up at my ceiling.


About thirty minutes passed by, I am not sure as I have zero electronics to check the time and don't have one of those old fashioned vintage wall clocks.

Taylor comes into my room and says, "Are you ready to listen to me?"

I don't respond which results in her saying, "I guess that's a no. While I am here I am taking your makeup away."

This makes my mind wake up immediately and I sprinted to beat her and blocked my bathroom door.

Taylor uses her strength and is able to push my delicate body out of the way and still take all my makeup away.

I start screaming, "Mom don't take my makeup away! Please! I'll listen to you!"

"To late I gave you that chance. Well see if you want to after two more hours." She says leaving again.

"Ahhhhh!" I scream kicking the wall in rage with my bad foot, like the one that was injured in the past and quickly regretting it.

I fall onto the ground clutching my foot in utter pain. I stay there for a little while and then get up and in relief that it isn't in any pain resulting in an injury.

Bored out of my mind now that I don't have my guitar or my makeup to entertain me, so I decide to load my film camera.

It's not a Polaroid or a digital it is a real film camera. Taylor takes me to this place to get my prints developed.

I don't take any pictures I just loaded the camera and sat it back onto my shelf. I repeated to do the same with my Polaroid cameras.

I was given one during red tour from Taylor that is a ruby red color and that she bedazzled with gems for me to go and take pictures of fans in the crowd for her to have for memories.

Then I begged for a white one and so she finally got me it.

After occupying myself with that there was nothing left for me to do.

So I threw my pillows around my room and destroyed my whole bed until I was laying on a flat mattress looking up at the ceiling once more.

Taylor comes in once again and asks, "Are you ready to listen to me now?"

I don't want her to take more of my stuff nor keep me in this room any longer, but I don't want to be lectured either. So I just stay laying flat on my back looking at my ceiling.

"I see you did a number to your bedding." She says after I didn't answer her first question.

"I am going to take your bedding if you don't want to listen to me now as you clearly don't want it." She adds.

Not wanting to freeze at night I say, "Fine I'll listen to you."

"Okay then get up and go spin your desk chair around and sit in it." Taylor says directly.

"Why can't I just stay here!" I say sitting up from my position on my bed.

"You said you would listen to me."

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