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~ Jane~

I was out with Julia, Keith and Noah. We went to an ice cream parlour and were laughing together on one of Noah's jokes when Taylor approached us.

"Hey Tay, come sit with us" Julia said

"First of all it's mean I wasn't invited and second I'm with our niece and Tyler" she replied

"Well we didn't ask you because your niece visited you" I replied when I felt an intense glare burning a hole through my back

"Tyler you can stop glaring at me now" I shouted as I snuggled close to Noah. People watching us

"Well come on sit with us. I can tolerate Tyler and I am sure he can too for a few minutes" I gave a sickenly sweet smile

"Don't you feel too sure about your future husband" she smirked followed by Julia smirking

"Stop it guys. I would like you and April sitting with us and I can't just say to leave Tyler behind" I groaned

"Yeah, no one would want there fiancé away from them" Keith smirked too

"I will pretend I didn't hear it" I said shooting daggers at Keith. I could sense Noah was irritated by the conversation though he pretended he didn't care

"Taylor, are you going to call him or not" I asked sternly sitting straight

"Fine" she groaned and walked off

"Uh, Eve I am going for a refill do you need one?" Noah asked getting up

"No, you go on" I replied

"Both of you. Remember today is not a good day for you" I threatened both of them

"Is that a threat Walker?" Julia smirked with Keith

"Suit your self. You know I never go past my words" I smirked making them remember what I did quite a few time. Both of them shuddered at the thought and decided to stay quite this time

"Hey April. Do you remember me?" I asked her as she sat beside me

"Yep" she smiled

"Tyler did you see Noah?" I asked 

"No I didn't" he replied glaring at me

"It took you forever Noah" I sighed dramatically

"Sorry" he replied

"Meet April" I said and she hid behind me

"Hey baby girl he is a good man" I cooed to her

"But Jane he is a stranger" she replied

"Jane?" Noah asked

"What?" I asked very well knowing what April just said

"She called you Jane" He said

"I didn't hear it" I replied

"You gave me a fake name?" He asked getting up realising everything

"Will you calm down? It's a public place" I groaned

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