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"You sure about it?" No, I'm not what if my plan doesn't work?

"I was born ready besides I think your boyfriend is missing you" I smiled at her. Everyone was in the hall, we were getting ready with weapons and all while the others were there to say goodbye. The van was ready outside with Mr. Thomas secured in it. Beaten and bruised. My knuckles are not okay but I'll manage. This breaking was not on my schedule so I can't let it affect what is on my schedule.


"Yes, ma"

"You can still back out. You took this decision with a mind of rage. You are not skilled enough to kill in a crowd and come back with all your comrades"

"Mom, did you just question my, your leader's skills? Anyway if Alexandra can do it to avenge her husband I can surely do it to avenge my mother" I whispered the last bit


"She is the only female don of our family before me" I whispered back

"Anyways, boys let's go" I cleared my throat


"Oh nice! A concerts going on" I said pulling down my stupid mask

"Large crowd" Keith muttered

"A bit more drama" I whispered

"Who is it by the way?" He asked

"I think it's Olivia Wilson" I answered

"Ex bestie of Evelyn York" He said

"Yep, they were a big news" I muttered remembering the fight I saw. Olivia was a huge betrayal to Evelyn


"Okay, we didn't expect a concert so, unplug the music system and take the singer out. Don't harm her just keep her away from the stage. I'll take the stage and purple hair, bring me our prisoner" I said to everyone


"North Carolina"

"It's been a wish for many I heard to meet one of us.  Today you'll see how we kill offenders of our family and lastly don't call the cops, we just don't want to kill innocent people like you" I said into the mic. I took out my knife and stood in front of Mr. Thomas

"They'll look for your genes and find James, both of you will be dead in my hands just James will be killed by police" I whispered to him

"Josh and that b*tche's son also has my genes" he said with a smug look

"I covered up Allen" I smirked and slit his throat neat. His head flied from the stage to the middle of the  crowd. I heard sirens. I knew it someone alerted the cops. I don't like this drama for god's sake. I took out my gun and shot the near police car as warning and it hit the driver on the forehead. Perks of being a sniper. I jumped of the stage and into the van and everybody followed suit. We drove fast being chased by the cop cars. We successfully led them into the forest and got off the van. We ran towards our neutral wall and hid behind it. This was special technology. The cops couldn't see us but we could see them and also as the mines kill the cops it will not affect the wall. Grayson and I walked to the side of the wall and started shooting. Both of us and Julia were skilled snipers while Keith took combat.


Dead. Every single cop dead.


"Finally you are home I was dying of anxiety" Julia ran towards Gray, the news of our kill on the TV

"You will if you keep watching this crap" I said switching of the TV

"I'll go freshen up and sleep. Don't wake me up unless it's Tyler we are talking about" I yawned and walked upstairs to my room

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