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"Russell, Gal come downstairs" I yelled standing in the kitchen looking at all the baking goods in front of me.

"Yes, mommy" Gal walked in followed by Russell.

"Okay, do any of you know how to bake?" I asked them brandishing the rolling pin as if it's a sword.

"Jane, they are kids. They don't know a thing about baking. Help me I'll bake" Taylor said

"No, I'm Jane Walker. I can surely figure out something and my kids can help. I have another job for you though. Get Tyler to get a Christmas tree from the forest and I have two saplings in my car. Get him to plant those after the tree is cut." I said sorting out the.....things.

"Fine, do as you wish but don't burn the kitchen down" She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Russell, give me the flour" I said and he threw it at me. I caught it and breathed out

"Chill dude" I muttered. I poured the flour into the bowl but it was also all over the kitchen counter. I picked up my phone with hands covered with flour because Tyler called.


"Can I not get a 'hey baby how are you?' at least once?" he asked

"No, what do you want?"

"Do you have a nice dress?"

"I do think I'll fit inside my coronation dress but not the ball dress" I replied pouring water in the flour

"Okay, I'll buy one" he said and I scowled

"I'll fit into my coronation dress. I'm not that fat"

"Good. Be free in the evening" he said

"And the dress?" I asked

"I'm buying" he replied and hung up. I tried to safely remove the phone from between my shoulder and ear but it fell in the flour-water mix.

"Oh. My. F*cking. Lord" I exclaimed picking the phone up.


"I heard you guys made a cake" Tyler said peeking through the door

"Yeah, we did come on. You should try it" I exclaimed jumping off the bed. He chuckled and followed me to the kitchen.


"Here you go" I smiled. He looked at my cake uncertainly. He picked up a piece and put it in his mouth.

"Cakes are supposed to be soft and sweet" he said and I scowled

"I hate you" I stomped my feet

"Do you really? Are you sure?" he smirked


I walked down the stairs and Tyler looked up from his phone. He wore a green suit with a white dress shirt. He looked handsome. I smiled at him  as he scanned me up and down.

"You look better than I imagined" he said offering his hand. I took it and circled my arm  around his shoulder.

"I hope that's always the case" I whispered seductively in his ear.

"It is" he whispered back pulling me closer by my waist. I smirked at him and pecked his lips.

"We're ready" Taylor exclaimed. I turned around to see her with Russell and Gal all dressed up.

"What are they  doing here?" I scowled looking at Tyler. He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"They shouldn't miss this" he said

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