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"Keith recruit best fighters we have and get this man to me in 5 hours" I said showing him the file I made out of the information I received refraining from telling him my actual plan.

"Why though?"

"I'm bored"

"Okay...." he said and left without a word. Information etched in his mind. He knew better than asking me more questions


"Julia, please eat this instead  of that" I said trying to snatch the jar pickles from her.

"No" she whined

"Please, for god's sake and his. Eat and spare me" I said giving her the bowl of oatmeal but she refused and pulled the pickle closer to her

"Whatever, don't eat. I'll eat it" I said and started eating it she looked at me through the corner of her eyes and I offered her the bowl again, she snatched it from me and started eating I smiled to myself and Keith called.

"Got him"

"Get him to the dungeon without Julia or mum seeing"

"Yes, boss" he said and I stopped 'boss uh?' nice. He hung up after a second and I walked downstairs to the dungeon.


"Linda, it's been days isn't it?" I asked undoing the lock to the cell door

"That day when I came for a tour you asked me to 'back off' why?" I asked her

"I left that day without a word but I'll not leave today until Keith get's here"

"You know Jane, mafia doesn't threats me but I threat it"

"Ah, fiesty"

"I'm not the Jane you knew anymore. Your words don't scare me"

"You have become your dad"

"I am my dad" I shouted

"And I'm bad very, very bad"

"Jane?" Keith asked pushing a barely conscious man

"Early present! See you later Linda" I said and walked out of her cell and locked it


"Why the f*ck are you beating me wh*re!!" he yelled and I panted.

"This is for yelling at me -punch to the jaw- and this for calling me a wh*re" I slashed his cheek, blood pouring down.

"Actually, no reason, I just torture f*ckers like you for personal pleasure"

"I'm done, Keith make someone torture him more and then bandage him up because he is bound to die in my hands" I said as I opened the bottle of acid just shipped in to pour it allover his cut wounds I just made. I downed the bottle on him and it sizzled. His yells filled the dungeon but I didn't stop.

"Think thrice before messing with my mafia because it's my family" I said and shot him again on his leg than walked out.


He, will die next week. That's a promise and a huge load of work.

"Not now Tyler"



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