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I drove to the ware house to send Julia home and also train the newbies and give a spin on the trainees 

"Okay, everyone. I hope you remember me? I'm your new leader" I yelled. Everyone stopped what they were doing and then looked at me. I walked to the center and signalled Julia to come towards me and Grayson to stand in front of the trainees.

"Get in the car. The driver will drop you. Mom wants you home" I whispered to Julia

"I thought you drove the car" she whispered back

"Do you think I will let a pregnant hyper woman near important mafia documents?" I asked and she scowled but walked away

"Okay, today we shall play a game shall we?" I asked everyone and all of them looked at me

"Grayson, the trainees are in your team. Newbies and Charlie" I said and they followed suit.

"Grayson, tell the trainees one important or personal information. Charlie do the same"  I said and whistled some random tune as they exchange information and I walked around the ground. After everyone knows the info, they stood apart from each other. I wiped the blackboard with the combat rules and wrote 'Charlie' and 'Gray'

"Do mafias, give out information to people they are not supposed to?" I asked and everyone replied 'no'

"You should not tell me the info, got it?" I asked and all of them said 'yes'

"Charlie send someone from your team" I said and then went to stand in the centre

"Hey, Susan. You still a newbie?" I asked cheerfully

"Okay, now tell me the information real quick" I said and she kept her mouth shut

"Come on, you answer to your leader always" I said but she still kept shut

"We don't want you to lose an arm or leg for a petty word do we? Now tell me" still shut. I slapped her right across the face but she still kept shut. Impressive. I chocked her till her face got red.

"Tell me" I seethed out but she still didn't utter a word.

"Do, you want me to take out my knife?" I roared at her and she flinched. We need to work on that one. Yet a noise didn't escape past her lips. I took out a knife from my waistband and harshly but carefully traced it down her arm. To give her pain but not draw out a single drop of blood. I suddenly stopped and slapped her back.

"Good job, I'm sorry for hurting you and from next week you will train with me" I said and sent her back.

"Charlie give yourself a point" I yelled and signalled Gray to send one.


"Is it true Gray?" I asked and he nodded

"This fool either needs death or harsh training" I said when Susan had the nerves to ask me

"Boss, can you keep your mouth shut?"

"Duh! I can" I scoffed. I mentally gasped. Did a newbie just challenge me?

"Charlie, bring out your worst. If today I cannot control myself you will know the greatest secret of our mafia" I said and walked to Charlie

"Don't forget you will be my life long servant after beating me black and blue Charles Hilton" I smirked.


"Okay, the grip is too tight" I winced as he pulled my hair

"Just tell, the secret" he yelled in my ear.

"Boy, the knife isn't necessary" I sighed as I slowly started to black out, not really

"Charlie stop, you cannot kill our leader, she doesn't have an heir yet" Grayson yelled and ran towards us. The fainting act works. After Gray picked me up bridal style and almost threw me on the chair. He looked at me and I opened my eyes and stuck out my tongue. He chuckled and I joined in. I stood up from the chair with his help and addressed all

"Come on, you didn't think I was weak did you? And by the way, Charlie I will personally torture you one day, just come around" I said

"Girls, sometimes act that you're fainting. One man will find you attractive and he will save you" I said and winked

"I'm not attracted to you"

"I know, you are my friend through thick and thin. Who will drive me home" I said and walked- limped towards the car

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