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"Her? After all this love, all this protection, all this fussing over, couldn't even think in my worst nightmare Julia would betray me" I said as I felt a pang in my chest, I tapped on the steering wheel impatiently.

"It....is not Julia" he said and I sighed in relief

"Then I don't care, I just couldn't bear to see her under me for interrogation, she is my sister after all"

"Yeah but I....can you come?" he asked and I nodded then remembered that I was phone. I walked out of the car and got inside.


"Did you get her down? Oh what silly question, of course you did" I said as soon as I had eye contact with Keith

"I-I no I didn't" he said

"And what are you waiting for? Surely it isn't your petty girlfriend"


"Why don't I have my betrayer in the dungeon?!" I roared


"You gave me the chance to believe Julia as the betrayer" I yelled

"Wow, you thought I was the betrayer? It's so easy to lie isn't it? 'Juls you're the only one I trust with my life', 'Julia you are my sister' but still you didn't hesitate to believe I would harm my family. This means more to me than it ever could for you" she said and I stumbled back. I cleared my throat and got into leader mode

"Keith Walker, I want my betrayer before me even if she is someone I respect, now" he nodded and went upstairs only to come back with.........mom. My hand flew to my mouth as I lost balance and Julia gave me a hand. I pushed the tears threatening to spill and stood tall.

"Keith, hold her"

"Diana Elijah"

"Respect your mother Jane"

"You are no mother to me. Diana Elijah how dare you betray my mafia. No threat matters more than this, you swore on my father's grave." I screamed

"You are a f*cking traitor!" I roared as Julia came by my side

"Calm down Jane please" she whispered

"Calm down? my father built this empire with her help, how could she think about betraying it? I swore on my father's grave to put my mafia above everything and I am no traitor to my word." I said back, I took a deep breath in and exhaled out, the only thing wondering in my mind is to hide this treacherous but I know better than that.  took out my gun and handed it to her.

"Shoot yourself before I do" I said my voice trembling

"Jane!" both Keith and Julia gasped

"Have you gone nuts? She is our mother, you can't just kill her" Keith said

"Then lock her in the dungeon away from Linda's cell. I don't want to see her face......ever" I said and walked upstairs to my office and took out my diary

Dear Diary,

What is happening to my life? I was a rich party child, living a carefree life and now I'm burdened with what not? Drunk husband, traitor mother, angry best friend and an unborn child of my half brother inside me. Why couldn't Jesus just call me above I mean down in hell, I bet it would be more peaceful than my life here. I need help, I'm crumbling down but no one understands that, dad taught me good acting skills of holding up when everything is drifting apart. Somedays I just wish I had a normal life and a normal job. Living a legal life sounds so simple and peaceful than this. I feel like Harley Quinn, desperately wanting a life I cannot get. I had my taste of celebrity life and maybe that's it.


I sighed and closed my diary. When I felt sick to the stomach and ran to my washroom. Sh*t

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