Untitled Part 9

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Nathan's POV

I swear to god I will kill whoever the hell touched my Peanut. She is mine, nobody else is allowed to touch her. I swear, I will strangle him with my bare hands when I get a hold of him. No, that won't do, he will die far too fast. I'll slice him up into little tiny pieces. No, not nearly painful enough. I'll stab his eyes out with pins and stab him twenty-three times. I'll pull the skin off his body. None of these are near painful enough to avenge my peanut.

Sean's POV

My condo is perfect for this. Total isolation. I sit in a corner. No lights turned on. I just want to be alone. Maybe if I pretend that I'm not home Owen will stop ringing the doorbell. He finally just opens the door. I'm not about to call out to him. He doesn't understand the concept of wanting to be alone. I only person's company I will ever want is Sang's. I don't even know if she is alive. See, that's the thing about people, they are dangerous. They just open up your heart to being hurt.

Silas' POV

I am aware of everything since Aggelle Mou went missing. I know Kota is stressed. I know Mr. Blackbourne is hopeless. I know Dr. Green is avoiding us. I'm scared for her. I'm scared for us. If she doesn't come back our family will be in shambles. If she does come back we will probably still be in shambles. At least four of us would de right along with her if she was murdered by some sick bastard. The rest of us would reside in that limbo between life and death called insanity. I'm scared. I'm scared that in losing her we have lost ourselves.

Luke's POV

I just need something to control, I justify to myself. The pain is something I can control. The blade slides across my thigh. I couldn't control my pain when she first disappeared but now I can. I only release the pain when I want to. The rest of the time it is kept under wraps. It keeps me sane. Keeps me from exploding from the pressure of bottling it up.

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