Untitled Part 43

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Kota's POV

Dr.Green walks out of the room and I allow myself I fall into my feelings. It isn't the first time Mr. Blackbourne has seen me break. I am weak. He knows that. I am at 589. Counting keeps the emotions just under the surface. I stop counting.

This is ridiculous. I can't keep my girlfriend from getting kidnapped. I can't keep my brother alive. I can't.


I am the absolute worst brother. The worst boyfriend. I shouldn't be in charge. I can't be in charge.


I choke up. Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this to them?


Tears blur my vision and I hiccup. I am crying hysterically.


I can't calm down. I can't catch my breath. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't keep doing this to them.


They don't deserve to be subjected to me. I can't keep failing them.


I feel the couch move next to me but I don't look up.


An arm wraps around my shoulders, but I can't process thoughts right now.


I gulp down air. Mr. Blackbourne is my boss. I am being extremely unprofessional.


I look to him. "I-I re-resign as team lead." He is taken aback. "Why?"

"I refuse to continue failing the team. I don't deserve to be leader."

"You are not failing the team," his voice softens, "I am."

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