Untitled Part 39

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Sean's POV

I was with Dr. Robert's when he got the emergency call. Uncle. The blood drained from his face as he motioned for me to walk with him.

He starts setting up an IV, things for stitches, the works. "He found Luke. He is in a pool of blood with a razor blade next to him." He is cool, collected, saying what needs to be said without really saying. Disappointment is laced through his voice. And I don't think it is at Luke.

It takes a moment to sink in. "What?" He finishes setting everything up and walks over to the emergency entrance. "You heard me."

Luke tried to kill himself. I will not et him succeed. I refuse. I should have realized before.

He hasn't been himself since Sang was kidnapped. Hell, none of us have been. But most of us have been starting to bounce back. But not him. He spent every moment he could alone. His smile was always present whenever I saw him though.

North is carrying him as they rush in. We pull the gurney to the room that was just prepared.

We work in sync, inducing blood clots, washing the wound, stitching it, preparing the IV.

We get him stable. I look at North, who looks like he is about to flip out or cry or both. I pull him into hug, and for the first time ever, I see him cry. I'm there too.

"Can you tell everyone what is going on?"

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