Untitled Part 49

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-Academy Official Report-

Regarding: Blackbourne team

Team Members:

Owen Blackbourne (Academy liaison)

Dakota Lee (Team lead)

Sean Green

Nathan Griffin

Victor Morgan

Silas Korba

Gabriel Coleman

Lucian Taylor

North Taylor

Team suspended from active duty until further notice


General Dysfunction

Mental Illness

Loss of focus

Further steps taken

Therapy- Lucian Taylor

Report will be continued if/when changes are made

Kota's POV

The letter just came. That settles it. I have to resign. I can't keep failing my family like this. We wouldn't even be in this situation if I did my job properly. I should have done better. This is my fault.

Nobody is home right now. Good. They don't need to be subjected to my failure. My mother and sister don't deserve this.

Fuck. I'm such a failure. I should just... just...

No I can't think like that. I should, I deserve it, but I can't.

Sang was kidnapped. That is a fact. There is nothing I can do about it.

800,000 children and adolescents are kidnapped or abducted each year.

Facts are a means of release.

41,149 people died from suicide in  the US

836,000 hospital visits for self inflicted injuries

Facts are means of coping called intellectualization

I begin to write my letter of resignation to the Academy.

Due to my complete and utter incompetence in keeping and maintaining family safety, I resign my position as family lead. I made mistakes that have cost my team its livelihood, and for that I apologize. I relinquish any and all favors or funds in my Academy accounts to the Blackbourne team.

With great regrets,

Dakota Lee

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