Untitled Part 50

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Victor's POV

Laying in bed, it is as if I live in a new world, without problems. Daydreams are much better than real life. Unfortunately, those silly grown-ups think something is wrong with us.

Those big kids in the Academy think we are being bad. They said we can't work anymore. That's good. Working is less fun than playing. Playing is good for us kids.

That's all I am, really. That's all we all are.

I sit at my piano and play Chopsticks. It is so much fun. I love playing the piano.

Daddy comes up to my room. He just opens the door without knocking. That isn't very nice of him.

He looks really super angry. I stop playing and stare at him red face, like a tomato, or a car. A big fancy red car.

"What the fuck are you doing? Why aren't you ready for the concert?" Ooo... Daddy said a bad word. But he's yelling at me. Why is he yelling at me.

I burst into tears and he slaps me. "What do you think you are? Five? You little prissy bitch!"

I'm confused and scared and tired. I just wanna take a nap. I don't want to be on stage. Please don't make me daddy. They always laugh if I mess up, and then daddy yells at me.

He throw a suit at me and screams at me to put it on. I slowly do. I don't want to. I keep crying.

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