Untitled Part 10

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Mr. Blackbourne's POV

She has been gone for over a year now. A year ago she was abducted. It have been over a month since we have had any leads to follow. The Toma team are suspicious of a man named Michael Sanders. They offered to distract him for us while we take a look inside his house.

It is a typical one story family home. There is a wooden child's swing hanging from the tree in the front lawn. Freshly mowed green grass.

We all know better than to get our homes up. There have been countless leads that dead-end.  We have had our souls crushed too many times to count.

We know that nobody's home. Luke opens the door and we all disperse. We all know our jobs.

I am opening cupboard when Kota yells. "Dr. Green. Mr. Blackbourne." We look at each other and race upstairs. The stench is evident before the sight. Before I saw her. Naked. Dirty. Hooded. Tied. Blood was running down her back. Not a inch of untouched skin. Her petite frame was now skeletal. I motion for Kota to back off so that Sean can do what he has to.

He takes off her earmuffs. "Sang, can you hear me?" No response.

He takes off her hood and go in front of her. "Sang, can you see me?" No response.

He unties her wrists. She stays perfectly still, staring at the wall. "Sang, may I pick you up?" No response. I could kill whoever broke her.

"We need to take her to the hospital Owen. She is malnourished and dehydrated, not to mention unresponsive."

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