Untitled Part 13

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The noise level in the room skyrockets. "Sang baby!" North yells over all of the others. He rushes over to me, grabbing my arm. I flinch away from him. Hurt blossoms across his face.

The silence in the room is awkward. I don't know what to say and neither do they. "How are you Miss Sorenson?" I haven't been beaten so far, I think it is safe to answer. "Uh-uhm I-I'm fine." They don't believe me for  a second. I don't even believe me. "How are you really Pookie?" I have to think for a second to find the truth. "I'm a-alive," I manage to stutter out.

They all don't know how to respond, and it shows. Even Mr. Blackbourne looked uncomfortable.  "We missed you so much," says Luke. They all voice some sort of agreement. "I-I mis-missed you too." Well, when you weren't in my hallucinations saying you hated me.

"Oh god, what did they do to you?" asks Nathan. I close my eyes, getting flashbacks. I quickly open my eyes and shake my head. They nod in understanding. I must look terrible if they aren't prying. I don't know if I will ever tell them what happened. I don't think I am ready to relive it. I feel like I am about to drop from exhaustion. Sean must pick up on it.

"Pookie, sweetie, get some sleep, okay?" I nod and they shuffle out of the room. I close my eyes and let myself drift off.

I'm back in the closet, but I'm not hooded. I can see everything that is happening to me. He lights a match, flicks it at me. I can't help but flinch away. The pain is unbearable. The scent of burning flesh is in the air. He does it again. And again.

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