Untitled Part 26

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Luke's POV

Seeing her like this is hard. I tried my best to keep up my happy facade but it slipped a couple of times. I pretend I'm okay so that everybody else will be. That's the reason the cuts are on my thighs, not my wrists.

Every time she stuttered it was like being stabbed through the heart. It was my failure that caused her to break. My fault. I don't deserve help.

I bound up the stairs to the bathroom, turning the shower to scalding hot. I pilfer through the medicine cabinet looking for my blade. 

The water itself burns, but the pressure is what causes the pain I so desire. It tears the newly formed scabs from my skin, making me bleed once more.

I sit at the bottom of the tub, sinking the blade into my skin, relishing in the pain I deserve. I watch the water turn from clear to pale pink, spiraling down the drain.

I can't tell my family about this. I'm afraid they will stop loving me when they know. Hiding my cuts and scars has become a game for me. I don't want to hurt my family.

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