Untitled Part 27

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Darkness. That is all that exists. I don't know where I am, but it is loud. It is chaos.

I am continuously being bumped into, jostled around. I am lost, blinded by the dark.

Then it changes. It is white, silence. It is oblivion. It is so much worse.

I am immobilized as terror flashes through my body. Somebody else appears, a cloaked figure. He snaps, but there is no sound.

It is as if I'm struck by lightning. Pain sears my flesh and I let out a silence scream.

He disappears. I am helpless to fear. He appears behind my shoulder. His breath blows hot on my ear as he reaches around to my face.

And he snaps.

North's POV

I really wish Mr. B didn't make us all go home. He said that we would overwhelm her. She is ever-so-fragile. I have to agree with him, but I don't like it.

I turn my phone to Nathan's cameras and find her. She is in his father's room. Why isn't she in the same room as Nathan? It looks like she just got to sleep.

She starts tossing and turning, whimpering slightly. Dammit. I fucking hate that she has nightmares. She has truly gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to life.

She continues to whimper, but stops moving, rigid as a board. I call Mr. Blackbourne. He picks up on the second ring. "Mr. Taylor?"

"Sang's having a nightmare, she keeps whimpering." "I am aware of that," he sounds stressed, "Can you please try to sleep some? You are useless when exhausted." He hangs up. How did he already know? He must be watching her.

She lets out a shrill scream. No way I'm going to sleep.

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