aftermath / talk with the god-parents(part1)

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Enjoy my stupidity

Being called into the hokage's office was almost an everyday occurrence to naruto.

When he was younger he used to pull all sorts of pranks and get himself in trouble, then get called into the hokage's office for that.

Then he became a genin , and he came with his team to get missions and occasionally meet up with the third to talk.

And now , his god-parents are always in there . since one of them was the hokage and the other was an important spy.

Naruto was there daily , but today felt different.

He sighed.

"Let me guess. it's about this secret person I'm dating , right ?" The blond asked without hesitation.
Everyone present in the room tensed , and naruto frowned .

After their little 'talk' and kurama's 'sudden escape' , naruto found himself back in his apartment after searching for his partner for two hours with no luck.

He was upset and confused , mostly confused but still.

What kurama had said kept nudging him in the back of his head for the entirety of the evening .

Feeding into his confusion and worry.

He tried to summon the other into their shared mindscape , but it was also in vain.

It wasn't till the night have already long fallen and naruto was under the covers , that kurama had decided to show up.

Looking fairly unbothered by the earlier events , the demon looked down at the blond for a few silent minutes before deciding to leave again.

And they would've had left , if it wasn't for naruto's awakening due to the other's presence .

Kurama didn't bother stopping or even turning to face him.

But naruto managed to sober up from his half-awake state enough to stop them.

The blonde then proceeded to bombard the other with questions about their whereabout and reason of leaving , but got no answer in return.

Kurama made it clear : they were not going to talk ANY time soon.

At some point in the night , naruto somehow got them to at least corporate and get in bed .

'I do not wish to engage in any sort of physical intimacy with you
at the moment'

'Oh come on , we're just going to cuddle'


'Yes we will , come here-'

It was hard , but it was worth it at the end. Kurama was really warm and spooning them was very pleasant, especially on a cold night such as that one.

And their hair is soft, so that's another plus and a reason why leaving the bed next morning is a grueling task.

Naruto couldn't help but blush when a certain memory of the morning resurfaced .

Naruto had woken up to both of them tangled up in a mess of limbs and sheets.

They had ended up in ...quite the position.

Naruto would've contemplated the memory more if he wasn't trapped in a room full of noisy adults .

Speaking off those adults...

Naruto glanced around the office , only four people were here.




And Jiraiya .

Normally a few anbu will be around the office , but now...

Naruto flared his chakra around , but sensed nobody , not even a root agent.

That's not good .

He had already realized that his whole 'dating business' was apparently a big deal.

But he didn't know it was this big.

He silently wondered why they didn't tell iruka yet .

Naruto made a reminder in his mind to tell iruka himself . hopefully he wouldn't be as untrusting as everybody else.

"So...? Am I right ? Is that why I'm here?"

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