the hawk, the fox and something is on fire.p1

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It's been a while-

Enjoy my stupidity

So far, this meeting was just a complete disaster.

Naruto shot a glance at kakashi who sat near him, back straight and at attention. The blonde was just as tense if not more, this wasn't his first time attending a meeting but this was an emergency and naruto had no idea what it was all about.

the fact that they were called by a root agent was just the cherry on top. Why would the hokage send a root instead of an anbu and root still in business..? Naruto thought it was shut down by the third a long time ago for it's.. Less than ideal...ways of training it's agents.

"Why are we here!?" The inuzuka clan leader stood up from her seat, slamming her hands down on the table. "And the hell is happening!?" She demanded to know and was followed immediately by the other council members all asking the same question.

"Where is the hokage!?" A random member of the civilian council yelled.

And damn, would naruto like to know that...tsunade was nowhere to be seen and neither was her assistant or any of the elders for the matter.

Speaking of the honorable elders... Where are those old farts? Shouldn't they also be here along with everyone else? Judging by the fact that all the clans and civilians were called by root agents, the elders, especially danzo_

Hold on...

Naruto's eyes went wide as he realized something. Shouldn't danzo be awaiting them here? Doesn't he control the root? It must be him who called for this meeting then!!

"Why did hokage-"

"Hold on!!" Naruto suddenly stood up from his seat in hurry, surprising almost everyone in the room into a momentary silence.

"Naruto..." Kakashi mumbled in a wary tone and the boy looked at him with confusion.
"Were we the only ones called in by a root agent!?" He asked and the room went dead quiet.

From across the table, the Nara head clan instantly frowned after hearing the question. He straightened up in his seat, eyes narrowing dangerously. "A root agent you say...?"

Naruto gave a nod and kakashi sighed. "Yeah..we were having dinner and suddenly there is a root calling us for an emergency meeting" he confirmed lazily.

"Inoichi, shikaku and I were already here when people started filling in" the big man, which naruto only knew as choji's father, spoke mentioning to the Nara and yamanka.

The hyugga clan head crossed his arms, taking in the statements before speaking out."I have been summoned here by a root agent as well." He declared and soon enough it was confirmed that everyone who wasn't already present at the hokage building was summoned to the meeting by a root.

"Then...if root called us here, then where is danzo?" Inoichi asked, glaring suspiciously at the elder's empty seat. "Shouldn't he be here?"

"He should.." The aburame clanhead confirmed, his bugs buzzing around him loudly indicating that he wasn't as calm as he sounded.

Naruto frowned "is the hokage even informed that this meeting is happening ?" He asked loudly and yet again he was met by silence.


Until the room's door bursted open with a loud clank as it hit the wall from the sheer force of the hokage.



"Well, well, well, If it isn't Konoha's new addition.." Danzo 'greeted' the person sitting down at the table.

The old war hawk had showed up flanked by four of his root agents, two on each side guarding him. He eyed Kurama, a spark of maliciousness dancing in his visible eye.

"It's quite nice to meet you personally for the first time"

"Well if isn't the old creep who's stalking two random teenagers... didn't think I'll have the displeasure of personally meeting you." Kurama 'greeted' back, scrunching up their nose as they caught a whiff of the man's smell. It smelled faintly of mokuton..mixed with those filthy cursed eyes of the damned uchihas.

Well, that's a bad sign right off the bat.

Danzo wasn't all that much of an important figure neither in Kurama's plans nor in naruto's general life, so they didn't give him much thought...that was until he decided to be a little creep and put a seal in the middle of somebody's living room.

"Stalking?" Danzo asked, narrowing his eye in distaste."do you call keeping watch over potential danger stalking?" He hissed, taking his time to eye the youth. He shot a look at one of his agents and the man bowed slightly, indicating that the redhead had no weapons on them.


"Potential danger? Who?! naruto!?" Kurama slammed their cup down a bit forcefully "excuse you! He's a sweetheart!!" They exclaimed angrily and the man's single eye twitched.

"I see that you're not taking this seriously.." Danzo accused. Kurama picked up their cup and mumbled through a sip "I have no idea what you're babbling about"

'I see how it is' Danzo gave a signal at one of his agents and in seconds the nin pulled a kunai out of his weapon pouch aiming straight at Kurama's forehead. A few bandages on danzo's face came loose and his other eye became visible.

A sharingan spun to life in his eye, observing in shock and growing interest as the redhead moved in slow motion, deflecting the kunai with nothing but a teaspoon and sending it right back at the agent.

Danzo didn't even flinch as the weapon flew right past him impaling the nin right on the forehead.

Kurama looked unimpressed. To the normal eye its impossible to have seen their movements but Danzo saw and the new threat seemed to have noticed.

They glared, eyes going dark at the sight of the spinning sharingan. the room temperature dropped down low.

"I knew I smelled it on you..."

Danzo took notice of the word choice. Smelled, as if in this person could smell the sharingan on him. 'The ability to recognize a bloodline just by a smell, this could either be too dangerous or too useful'

Along with their clear set of skills, this ability adds to their value.

There is no other way. Danzo's Sharingan spun to life once again. He must have this one under his command as soon as humanly possible. They'll be a great asset to konoha, and not to forget their attachment to the jinchuriki.

This is an impassable opportunity.

"Let's take this somewhere more appropriate"

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