the hawk, the fox and something is on fire p2

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:D meh meh meh, I've been gone for a while-
Damn, time flies.

Enjoy my stupidity

With the arrival of the angry and somewhat confused hokage, the council meeting begun.


Or at least it was supposed to. They were short four people: The honorable elders and the toad sage.

Naruto, or anyone for the matter, could simply chalk up Jiraiya's absence to him peeping on women or running from said women and going into hiding...again.

The blonde sighed to himself at the thought, ignoring the glares shot his way from the civilian side. He knew they weren't all that pleased to see him, let alone see him sitting at the council as a representative of a clan.

Well they just have to suck it up and deal with it.

" say that you were called in by root agents..." The hokage mumbled lowly, rubbing her chin and narrowing her eyes, it was clear that she didn't like the sound of that.

The council shared silent glances before speaking up and confirming. Tsunade hummed leaning back in her seat, deep in thought. Besides her, shikaku's frown became even more visible as he finally opened his mouth to ask again. "So...where is danzo?"

And fuck, wouldn't everyone like to know?

"Where are all the honourable elders!?" A civilian lady screeched from her place and a few recoiled away from the sheer loudness and high pitch of her voice. "Is this some sort of sick joke!? Calling us here and not showing up?" She continued to rant loudly. "Oi can you tone it down!? Some of us have sensitive ears!" The Inuzuka snarled at her and Naruto along with a few others shot the clan head thankful looks.

"Perhaps two of them have not been informed but there is no excuse for danzo-san. After all, those were his agents, no?" Kakashi asked lazily, leaning back in his seat seemingly relaxed. Yet Naruto could tell he was just as tense as everyone else, heck the blonde would go as far as to say that he looked quite angry. Well...they were right about to eat dessert after all, he had all the right to be angry.

"Hasn't root disbanded?" Asked inoichi reluctantly getting a nod of confirmation from the Nara. "Yeah...orders of the third" he mumbled darkly.

"Then where is he!?" The same women screeched again and Tsume looked ready to pounce on her if it wasn't for the fact that they were in a serious meeting. "That's what we're trying to figure out..." The hyuuga clan leader, a man Naruto didn't remember very fondly from his short appearance at the shunin exam, spoke calmly before straightening even further in his seat and asking in an annoyed tone"Well why don't we just send the anbu to retrieve them?".

The Hokage gave a subtle nod, gesturing with her hand and an anbu seemed to materialize out of thin air to stand right behind her, ready for orders.

"Fetch me danzo"

Naruto hoped that wherever the man was, he was as far as possible from kurama. Cause if he wasn't... Well. Naruto gulped. something bad was inevitably bound to go down.


"I still don't understand your need to talk here, out of all places." Kurama looked over the secluded area with calculating eyes, scanning their entire surroundings and subtly flaring their chakra around to check for any unwanted company...not that the company they had at the moment was wanted.

"I believe it's better if we chat here, it's private and calm." danzo answered, hands clasped behind his back while eyeing the youth. "We wouldn't want anybody to bother us, now would we?" He asked, eyes narrowing dangerously.

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