dinner crashers p1

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Period cramps ain't playing around, that bitch slaps hard.

Chinese hanfu just hits different, better than kimono in my honest opinion. I mean look at that beauty !! And they seem more unisex than kimono so my ass just went with it. I blame you wei wuxian.

Enjoy my stupidity

"Okay! Okay..." Naruto mumbled a series of 'okay' trying to calm himself while Kurama watched from the sidelines.

"Everything is ready...it's going to be okay.." He breathed in and out. "We already went over everything we need to go over...right?" He turned to ask the redhead, only to find them gone.

Naruto's eyes widened "no no no no-" he whispered in panic. "KURAMA DON'T DISAPPEAR ON ME NOW !" he yelled sprinting to the bedroom, hoping the Kurama was just chilling there.

He looked around the room, no Kurama.

"Oh my kami..." Panicked and upset, he squatted down to take a breath.

The dinner was in an hour and a half and the two had already worked on changing the story of how they met. Which was ,thankfully, rather easy as nobody else was present when it happened and nobody in konoha had seen them together before..

Naruto hummed. 'well almost nobody.'

But team 10 didn't find anything about their relationship other than the fact that it actually exists. And Kurama was a pretty good actor, putting on a show of a sweet lover..not that they weren't.

  Kurama just has a harder time showing their emotions than others, but they genuinely care about me.
Naruto shook his head, this wasn't the time for these thoughts. he needed to think about other, more important, stuff.

  Like the fact that still haven't completely went over Kurama's 'background' and they had already disappeared.

Damn it.

Naruto moved to stand tall again. he made his way out of the bedroom to the kitchen.
He already bought some desserts and stuff since Kurama politely pointed out that 'going empty handed is rude, where in the nine rings of hell are your manners ?' And he decided to listen.

He glanced at the clock. 1hour 22 minutes left.

He sighed softly 'this is going to be good.' He thought again 'everything will go according to plan and this dinner will be a success'. Naruto nodded his head with a bit more confidence.

Now to take a shower and wait for Kurama to return.

Naruto exited the shower wrapping a towel around his wait and throwing another over his head to dry his hair.

He took a look at the time and nodded.

46 minutes left.

The blonde threw the towel on his hair on the bed and went to his closet pulling out some boxers and black Shinobi pants.
He put them on the bed and looked in his closet for a shirt and something else.

After a few minutes of frustrated searching he finally let out a victorious "Aha!". He found the shirt he was looking for, an orange shirt with the signature red swirl he used to wear all the time as a child. He threw on a black jacket with orange highlights over it.

  "huh...not enough orange in, but it will do.."

Naruto nodded with a grin before starting to dress up.

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