dinner crashers p2

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Its me ...you boi ...gurl? Umm anyway it's me, I'm back again :D

Enjoy my stupidity

Naruto was ready...so ready to jump across the table and strangle the living daylight out of kakashi.

Since the moment he entered the room, the blonde had tried to not act hostile toward the jonin. It was hard...very hard, especially since the man was clearly having the best time of his life fucking around with him.


"Ne Ne naruto-kun say~" the hatake smiled under his mask, leaning back in his seat. "Where did you two meet?"

Naruto grinned widely, internally thanking kami for the years he spent faking a grin into perfection.
"We met at the Omatsuri village." he answered, reaching one hand to grasp Kurama's.

It has been like this for almost half an hour now.

"When did you meet ?"

"How did you meet?"

"Where was your first date?"

"Ne you're quite beautiful, where are you from ?"

Naruto almost lost it at the last question. Thankfully, he was mostly asking naruto question so Kurama didn't need to speak much, instead they sipped their tea, only contributing in the conversation once or twice.

Most question seemed to be just teasing, yet naruto kept his answers guarded. He knew that the jonin was interrogating them.

"Oh I heard they have really good festivals there." Kakashi pointed out and naruto nodded "yeah it's pretty cool" he deflated, and for once it wasn't fake "they don't have any ramen stands tho" that got a few chuckles out of the others and he fumed as laughter got louder.

"its not funny you guys!! How are these guys even living !?"

Kurama patted him on the thigh "there there" although naruto could still hear the amusement in their voice.

Iruka's voice carried through the kitchen. "Not everyone is ramen Dependant like you, naruto-kun"

"Believe it or not, a lot of people can survive without ramen for...their entire life."

Naruto gave a look of horror at that and everyone laughed.

He sighed, "geez" he gave a soft smile of his own and For a moment it seemed like a normal conversation.


Soon, the food was served and naruto almost breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, Iruka sat down and everyone got ready to dig in.


As naruto took the first bite he grinned widely "Iruka-sensei's cooking is the best!!" He declared and Iruka laughed.
Kurama nodded their head, politely agreeing with the blonde "yes the food is quite delicious"
"Aw thank you" Iruka smiled before giving kakashi a pointed look.. the silver haired jonin pretended not to notice."don't you have anything to say, hatake-san ?" He asked, a hint of playfulness in his voice. Kakashi chuckled almost inaudibly before giving an eye smile. "Oh your food is always amazing iruka-san". The chunin nodded, seemingly finding satisfaction in the answer. "why thank you, you flatter me." Kakashi turned to look at him with a suspicious curve to his eye. "oh? I thought flattery doesn't work on you~..."

Naruto watched them silently, slowly putting his chopsticks down.


'Oh..oh my'

'No..hold on, this can't be..'

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