bonus 2

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this bonuses are namely for the sake of Halloween but I had so much fun with them. And don't worry this is the last, I promise :D. Next chapter is for real.

I still don't regret shit .

Naruto should've seen this coming.
He totally should've.

   A date at in a cruise ship with a nice atmosphere sounded like all they needed.
   Although one didn't really think of it as a date, it was fine.
It. was. Fine.

"Isn't this your mission? Why am I here?" Kurama have asked on a beautiful night. their eyes focused solely on the moon in the sky, nothing and nobody else.
It always made naruto wonder, why so interested in the moon? He could never bring himself to ask for some reason.
   "Well I thought you could use a few days out of konoha..." Naruto smiled at them.

"Heh you mean KONOHA could use a few days without ME" kurama Snickered back making him frown.
  "That's not what I meant!" Naruto protested crossing his arms over his chest.

"Mhm" kurama totally believed him.

    A sigh escaped naruto's lips. he turned his gaze to the calm sea for the first time since they've left their room.
   The night was peaceful.
And naruto for one felt nervous.
He knew he shouldn't feel like that.

  he was on a mission to the cloud. 
   Something about one of their nins going "missing" after he passed by konoha's territory.

    Naruto cringed at the memory.

Team 7 and team gai both stood in front of the hokage, also know as tsunade senju. the woman has just gone trough her third cup of sake and looked up at them.
    "The Kumo nin was last seen crossing our territory before they disappeared without a trace"naruto kept a blank professional face, much to the surprise of the his teammates. the body was literally found in his house.  How can he not be nervous??
   "This may cause a few problems...more problems than we already have with kumo" the women sighed downing yet another cup.
   "But hokage-sama what do we have to do with this?" Tenten, a konoichi from the other team asked stepping forward. 
   Tsunade scanned a scroll in front of her before speaking out "I need you to look for the nin. ..or at least for a trace of him"
   Naruto wanted to face-palm himself so bad. but decided against it.
    "But hokage-sama why us? Isn't team kurenei more suited for this mission?" Another one stepped out, this time it was a stoic faced hyuuga

one that would probably die soon.


"Hokage-sama, neji-kun has a point.  Why not them?"
   That's a good point, they were a tracking team, perfect for looking for some missing ninja.

"Apparently team kurenei is on a mission at the moment".

All this time team 7 kept quiet.

   "Finding them will be team gai and team 7 's mission. as for naruto..."
   Naruto's head shot up. His face showed nothing but mere confusion. inside he was panicking.
   "Since you are...somewhat...the most capable of talking your way out of anything. I'm sending you to kumo to..." The rest of the conversation was lost to him as he felt the relief wash over his worries. but he could still feel the stares of the rest of the team on him.
Could you blame them tho?

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