a tree's rotting roots

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Enjoy my stupidity

The root agent was clearly not leaving. Not that Kurama cared.

The redhead stayed in the same spot they were left in, taking their sweet time steering their freshly poured cup of tea. Only taking a few sips before putting it down in disappointment.

It just didn't taste right, it needed... something.

Red eyes wandered to the nin standing not so far away from the table. Kurama kept their gaze steady, clam and unbothered, calmly reaching for cookie.

The nin didn't even shift, not even his chakra did. He just stood there and watched soundlessly.

Well as soundlessly as a human could be, Kurama could still hear his breathing and was honestly annoyed by the noise.

The redhead bit into the dessert averting their gaze away. "Hmm" the cookies are actually really good. Kurama reached for another one, deciding to focus on the desserts and just straight out ignore the root agent's existence.

Unless that guy steps out for a fight, or finally decide to cut the awkward silence, Kurama wouldn't do shit.

They wondered what naruto was doing at the moment but they knew for a fact that it wasn't really the hokage who was behind this sudden emergency call.

They ate another cookie, contemplating what dessert to try next.

'Say, how is it going in there?' They asked casually through the seal, taking a spoonful of strawberry cheesecake.


'Everyone's panicking- I literally don't know what the hell is happening!!' Naruto's frustratedly confused voice carried through the seal and Kurama hummed. 'I don't even know where baa-chan is..'

'Interesting...' They took a small sip of the tea. Yeah, this tea is definitely lacking something.

'By the way, How are you holding up in there? Is that root guy anywhere near?'

Maybe if they add more sugar_

'Mm it seems that this mortal is here to stay, he hasn't budged an inch since you left' they informed the blonde, only to have him growl in the process. 'What is it?' Kurama asked, already aware of the answer. 'Nothing..I just don't like the idea of him being there with you especially that I'm not there...' Naruto hissed the last part and the redhead almost snickered.

Hmm, When did he exactly develop this overprotective streak?

'There is frankly no reason for you to be worried, if he tries to fight me he'll be torn to shreds in seconds.'

'I know, I know. It's just that...this is giving me a bad vibe, so please be careful..' Naruto's voice took a turn from a low hiss to a pleading whisper.

Be careful? Funny...'like I said, there is no need for you to worry about me, I'm more than capable of ending a few lives if needed.' More than a few...but naruto got the message.

'Don't do anything unnecessary..'

'Bold of you to assume I will waste energy unless necessary'


How long has it been? Almost an hour?

Kurama was still trying to figure what the hell is wrong with the tea, they tried adding more sugar, it didn't work. They tried adding less sugar, nothing. They added a bit of honey and okay, maybe that made it a bit better but not quite what they're looking for.

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