*Unplanned - Tommy x Fem!Reader

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Warnings: unplanned pregnancy, unprotected sex. Don't read if you are a minor.

"Hey, doll, would you like to go to the Golf n Stuff with me?" Y/n could hear a boy say as she was making her way off the parking lot after school. "Why would I ever go out with a Cobra? You guys are bad as fuck and that's not good for my image." Y/n replied as she rolled her eyes before turning to look at the boy and his friends. "Scared that I would ruin your 'popular princess' image? Please, dating me would only make your image better." Tommy, the boy, said. "So what if I go on a date with you. I know you guys. You would go out with me once, do everything you please and when it comes to actually being there for someone, you're gone and don't give a shit about my feelings. So, stop trying, Tommy. It is not going to happen." Y/n said as she stared at him. "What if I'm different from the other guys you went out with?" Tommy asked, smirking at her. "I highly doubt that you are any different." Y/n replied.

"Let me prove it to you. Let me take you on a date. If you don't like me after it, fine. But maybe I can charm you into liking me." Tommy said as he walked closer to her, looking down into y/e/c eyes. "Fine. One chance. If you screw up, I don't want you to try again." Y/n spoke. "Deal. Golf n Stuff? I'll pick you up in my car at 6?" Tommy asked. "Sure. I live in the house next to Johnny. See you tonight." Y/n said, before she turned on her heel and walked away. Once Y/n arrived home she did her homework. She went up to her room, before changing out of her clothes and opted for a red floral dress and white sneakers. She walked into the bathroom and braided her hair. Once finished, she walked back in her room, grabbed her wallet and bag, before walking down. "Where are you going?" Y/n's mother asked. "I'm going on a date." Y/n replied. "With who?" She asked. "With Tommy. He's a friend of Bobby and Johnny." Y/n answered.

"Okay. Have fun." Y/n's mom smiled as the doorbell rang. Y/n walked to the door and opened it. "Wow, you're looking damn sexy in that dress." Tommy said as he looked at Y/n, mostly at her cleavage. "Stop staring. And close your mouth, you're going to catch flies." Y/n smiled, as she closed the door and walked down the steps. Tommy followed her to his car. "Wait. Before we go to Golf n' Stuff, why don't we drive around?" Tommy asked. "Sure." Y/n replied. "Alright. Hop in, princess." Tommy said as he got in the car. Y/n slid into the passenger's seat. Tommy started to drive and they ended up at a look out spot near the Golf n' Stuff. "The view from here is amazing." Y/n said as they were sitting on the hood of his car. "You should see my view." Tommy said as he was staring at Y/n's figure. "Wow, quite the charmer. I'm not that pretty." Y/n said.

"What? Y/n, let me make one thing clear to you." Tommy said as he jumped off the hood and stood in front of her. "You are the prettiest girl I have laid my eyes on. And this is not 'flirt' Tommy speaking. I'm genuine, you are so fucking beautiful. Boys are stupid if they can't see how beautiful you are." Tommy said as he looked in her eyes. "Are you being honest? Or are you just saying that because you have a crush on me?" Y/n asked. "I'm being ho- how do you know that I have a crush on you?" Tommy asked. "You guys were talking pretty loudly last week. I heard you saying things like 'the things I would do to have Y/n by my side.' Or I heard Dutch say 'I bet she's pretty good moaning your name louldy during sex.'" Y/n explained and she saw that Tommy was now blushing. "And the fantasies about me? Do all of the boys have a crush on me or are they just your fantasies?" She added, with a smirk on her face.

"Uh, we were drunk. We say a lot of bullshit when we're drunk." Tommy said quickly. Y/n leaned closer to him, placing her lips near his ear. "I have to admit something." She whispered. "What's that?" Tommy asked. "I have a crush on you as well." Y/n spoke, looking into his eyes, while their faces were close to each other. "Come, let's go to Golf 'n Stuff. I want to play mini golf." Y/n said as she backed up a little, before jumping off the hood and walked to the passenger side. "Not so fast. You're just going to leave me there hot and bothered?" Tommy asked as he grabbed her waist and pressed her back against the car door. "Yes." Y/n started as she turned to look at him.
"Don't you know that you should kiss at the end of the date?" Y/n asked as she smirked at him. "I know that. And screw that. If I want to kiss you now, I am going to kiss you now." Tommy said as he pulled her to him and placed his lips on hers. Y/n was taken back a little, but closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling like the world faded and it was just the two of them, kissing in the setting sunlight. "I meant what I said. You are really fucking beautiful." Tommy said as he pulled from the kiss. "Thank you, Tommy. But I sometimes don't believe it when someone says that to me." Y/n softly said as she looked at him, her hands still wrapped around his neck. "If you stay with me and be my girl, I will tell you every single day that you are until you start to believe it." Tommy replied with a smile on his face. "Ask me again when you drop me off at home." Y/n smiled as she unwrapped her arms and got into the car.

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